•Where is Deana?•

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'Sharon,'  my voice was shaky 'did your sister go on some party with Deana yesterday?' I hope Sharon will help me.
'I dont know I was in my room wjole day studying chemistry becouse I dont know if you know but tomorow we shoul have an exam.' Fuck I did not know about that.
'Is she home we need to talk to her!'
I need to talk to her. 'She should be home...' yes! 'Thats great!' Maybe she knows where Deana is! 'But why you need to talk to her?' Okay long story short
'Deana went somewhere yesterday but didnt came back.' what is she is hurt?
'Didnt she left some note or somthing like that on table?' It wasnt  on place where usually 'No she didnt thats why Im so worried!'oh we are at her house!
'Good morning Mr. Anderson, hi Angela!' Her dad is for me more like a dad than my own dad 'Angela can we talk in my room for a second?' Sharon asked. 'Of course Sha!' She smiled. 'Its about Deana.' I said and her smile faded becouse she is her best friend.
'Were you with her yesterday evening?' please say yes! 'No I wasnt is she in danger or something?' She said with worried voice.
'I have a feeling that yes, she is probobly in some danger.' I hope she isnt but Im not sure. 'We should report it on police!'
Oh Sharon is such a good girl! 'I dont think so becouse they would come to our house and thats not good for my and Deana's safty.' Too risky for me 'Do you have something illegal in there or something?' Sharon asked probobly in sarcasm 'Actually yes but lets not talk about it, please.' My dad brings weird thing to our house so no thanks.
'What if she ran away? I know place where she hides!' Angela what the actual fuck ? 'Okay take me there! In case she is there.'
To be honest I dont belive Angela about Deana running away. 'Okay take your things kids and lets go on adventure!'
I can see she wants to be kindergarden teacher.

Why this life? Why me?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt