Chapter 2: Encountering a Demon

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(Y/N) was in a hole, just sitting there doing nothing. Well she was doing something and that something was hiding away from the sunlight. She wanted nothing to do with it. Nothing at all.

Tanjiro: "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!..."

Tanjiro called out in that little cave. He couldn't find her and thought that she had left. Did she run away from him?

Tanjiro: "(Y/N)..! Where did you go? Are you in there?"

(Y/N) heard her brother's voice.. It made her shift in the Little hole she was in. She stuck her head out with a worried expression on her face. Tanjiro realized that she didn't want to move or leave because of the sunlight. So he made a basket so that she could climb in. He went into the cave and showed her the basket.

Tanjiro: "(Y/N), could you fit inside? I want to keep moving during the day as well."

They couldn't just move during the night time. They had to get moving during the day otherwise they weren't going to make a lot of progress. (Y/N) still had that worried expression on her face. Now she was looking at the basket and then back at Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: "Come. I'll carry you inside the basket. Inside, basket."

She looked at the basket once more then at Tanjiro, who was currently waiting for her move. She hummed due to not being able to speak then climbed out of that little hole. She crawled and put her head first into the basket then tried to put her whole body inside, but she couldn't. She was kind of big to be in the basket.

Tanjiro: "Not an exact fit.."

Tanjiro said softly. He looked at his sister — who's head and upper body was in the basket. He had a smile on his face, acknowledging that his little sister had grown into a big girl.

Tanjiro: 'You've really grown into a big girl, (Y/N). It feels like yesterday she was just a little kid.. How time flies.'

He then had an idea just from thinking those words. He wondered if it would actually work. There's a possibility that it would work but it was worth a shot.

Tanjiro: "Hey, (Y/N). Remember how your body got bigger before. Do you think you can do the opposite and get smaller?"

He started to pat her on the back.

Tanjiro: "Smaller, (Y/N). Get smaller.!"

(Y/N) just grabbed the basket, flipping her and the basket. The basket was now standing and she was head first into the basket which shocked and surprised Tanjiro. She got a bit smaller and adjusted her body so that she was now sitting down. Tanjiro looked amazed and just gave her some head rubs.

Tanjiro: "Good Job! That's a good girl! I'm impressed..!"

(Y/N) loved those head rubs.. It really calmed her down and made her feel happy. She had her eyes closed and hummed happily. She opened her eyes and looked at her brother.

Tanjiro: "Are you ready to go, (Y/N)?"

She nodded happily and Tanjiro simply smiled again.. He stood up and grabbed a cloth, wrapping it around the basket. It was time for them to go.


Woman: "Mt. Sagiri? If you want to get to Mt. Sagiri, you'll have to cross that mountain, but the sun is already setting. Are you really heading there with all that luggage? It's Dangerous."

Tanjiro: "Don't worry, I'll be safe. Thank you very much."

He bowed and after he did that he started to walk again.

Woman: "People have gone missing as of late! Make sure you don't get lost!"

Tanjiro just waved. Now it was night time and (Y/N) was out of the box. She was walking on the side of her brother. She suddenly pushed her brother up against a tree with her strength — which surprised him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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