Chapter 2: First Day on Earth

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Somewhere in the further part of the forest....

Kup and Springer looked at their surroundings when their pods landed as Kup tried to contact Hot Rod "Hot Rod? Hot Rod, are you there?" he asked, but didn't get a response as he heard static "His commlink must've got damaged when his pod crashed" Kup said "We must be in this planet that we arrived to" Springer said.

Kup pulls out a tracker that he had in his compartment and turns it on as the screen gives him static as Kup grunts and hits it to get to work "The tracker is busted, I must fix this so we can find Hot Rod" Kup said as he pulls out a small kit of tools and began repairing "I'm worried about him, with his commlink damaged, he could be in danger" Kup said "Relax, Sarge, you had been training your grandson to be an Autobot and a Wrecker, he'll be fine" Springer reassured "But, we are a different planet, very far away from Cybertron, and he's never been on his own before" Kup exclaimed.

"Sergeant Kup, I know you are worried about him, but you taught him to be careful whenever he's stranded on an unknown planet, and if his commlink is damaged, he has to keep a low profile and find a way to contact us" Springer explained as Kup sighs and knew Springer is right "You're right, Kid...I hope he'll be okay and not causing any trouble" Kup said.



Hot Rod is in his vehicle mode as he searches for Springer and Kup. Hot Rod is very anxious about being on an unknown planet by himself as he knows it could hold the dangers in here. Hot Rod spots something that was peaking through a volcano, he changes into his robot mode as his optic sensors zoomed in and discovers a ship as he recognizes it "The Ark" Hot Rod exclaims as he transforms into his vehicle mode and races towards it.

When he arrived he notices how empty the Ark is as he enters the ship "Hello? Is anyone here? Optimus Prime...Bumblebee...Ratchet....Prowl....Jazz?" Hot Rod called as he reaches to the communication room. He stares at it and wonders what to do, from what Bumblebee told him that a computer called Teletraan 1 has extensive communication abilities, and monitor any radio waves on alien planets.

Hot Rod takes a deep breath " we go" he muttered as he activates Teletraan 1 "Teletraan 1, this is Hot Rod and I'm an Autobot" Hot Rod said "Greetings Hot Rod, how may I be of service for you?" Teletraan 1 asked "Can you tell me about Optimus Prime and his crew? And what happened when they departed?" Hot Rod said "Optimus Prime and his crew had journeyed the depths of space stopping from planet to planet as they continued to fight the Decepticons for the supply of Energon, a few Autobots were killed and some were separated. Then, Optimus Prime and his crew crashed onto this planet called Earth as they went into stasis for millions of years until they woke up on the year 2000s" Teletraan 1 explained.

"What happened to them?" Hot Rod asked "Princess Arcadia of Paradron was captured by Megatron and his Decepticons, and Optimus Prime and his team rescued her as Ratchet found a spacebridge for her to use to find Autobot reinforcements to save her planet" Teletraan 1 explained "And where are they now?" Hot Rod asked "I'm sorry, Hot Rod. Optimus Prime and his team's current location is unknown. But, there is this message from Optimus Prime before he left" Teletraan 1 said as he plays Optimus Prime's message.

"To any Autobot that is listening to this message, you will know what had happened to the Ark. This planet is rich with Energon enough to continue this war and end it, but the Decepticons are here too and so is Megatron. My team and I will not only fight for survival, but we have to protect this planet and its inhabitants from the dangers of the Decepticons, you must do the same. Good luck, 'Til all are one" as Optimus Prime's message ends.

Hot Rod is surprised by all of this "I have to contact Kup and Springer! They need to know this!" Hot Rod exclaimed "May I use the comm unit? My commlink got damaged when my pod crashed" he said "Of course, Hot Rod" Teletraan 1 said as Hot Rod contacted them "Springer! Grandpa Kup! This is Hot Rod, come in!" he exclaimed.

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