Chapter Four

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Chapter Four: The Noble House of Black

  One by one they stood recognising defeat. Mrs Weasley followed them upstairs looking grim. Once they arrived at the first-floor landing the silence was broken.

  "I want you all to go straight to bed, no talking," she spoke, "we've got a busy day tomorrow. I expect Ginny's asleep," she added to Hermione, "so try not to wake her up."

  "Asleep, yeah, right," scoffed Fred, after Hermione bade them goodnight and they were climbing to the next floor. "If Ginny's not lying awake waiting for Hermione to tell her everything they said downstairs then I'm a Flobberworm ..."

  June tried her best to contain her snickers, having no desire to face Mrs Weasley's scorn again.

  "All right, Ron, Harry," said Mrs Weasley on the second landing, pointing them into their bedroom. "Off to bed with you."

  "'Night," the boys bid to June and the twins.

  "Sleep tight," said Fred, winking.

  As Ron pushed the door shut June pulled on the ginger's arm. "Best not be planning on popping into their room without me," she threatened in barely a whisper, trying her best to not gain Mrs Weasley's attention.

  She only got a grin in response as they arrived at her bedroom door and Mrs Wealsey sounded off her name alongside her desire to see her off to bed. Her eyes carried the words left unsaid as she bid the twins goodnight and Fred grinned. His response told her that as soon as the steps creaked alerting them all to Mrs Weasley's departure they would crack into Harry and Ron's room to continue the conversation while she'd be left with her dull green walls and decoration of pictures.

  When the Weasleys had arrived she had almost insisted Ginny stay with her, but with her bedroom being one of the smaller ones within the old and decrypted house and the hours she, Sirius and Remus had spent cleaning the three rooms to make them habitable she had decided against it. It was usually made up by their constant hours spent with each other, and with James, Jessie and Ms Black occasionally staying within the Order the three had spent the whole summer together even without sleeping in the same room. But it was moments like this where she regretted the choice, watching the ceiling to the quiet and crackily play of her radio basking in the knowledge of the twins, Ron and her brother discussing what they had just learned. With the idea that Ginny was probably pestering Hermione for information about the meeting, they had attended. Everything they had just learned circulating in her mind and no one to talk about it with.

  "Shit," she muttered after a while of dazely staring at the ceiling in an effort to organise her thoughts. "Didn't bolt the door. Don't want Kreatcher's big nose in my stuff."

  June didn't know when she had finally fallen asleep. The last thing she remembered was the Muggle radio host's quiet voice introducing 'Say It Ain't So' by a band called Weezer. If her legs didn't feel like they weighed like lead she probably would've gotten up to turn the volume up ever so much. She could have sworn she had spent hours awake, staring blankly sorting her thoughts. But she must have at some point because the next thing she knew she was curled under blankets and Fred was calling through the door. His voice was impossibly loud to just be coming from the door, she curled deeper in on herself in an attempt to stay in bed. The radio was still cracking from her desk, but Fred overpowered it.

  "Junie, come on, Mum says get up. Your breakfast is getting cold in the kitchen and she needs you in the drawing room. She's found loads more Doxys than she thought and a nest of dead Puffskeins under the sofa."

  "Ugh, who cares!" she complained pulling her pillow over her head. "Let the damn house be inhabitable."

  "Junie," he laughed. She almost screamed when she felt hands on her, Fred gripped her light blanket and ripped her from her curled body.

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