Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: Lesson of Lies

  Marlowe wasn't even in the dormitory when June woke up the next morning. Roxanne Vance was tugging on her robe while June was still stretching, she gave the girl a sympathetic look before she too was tugging on her school bag and vanishing from the room.

  "Oh no, she'll catch the nutter virus," June teased loudly, pulling her skirt on.

  "It be an absolute tragedy," Maribelle echoed.

  Ginny shrugged and gave her an it's-her-problem-not-yours look. James was waiting near the notice board downstairs, he raised his eyebrow as he noticed them, eyes lingering on June's face specifically. When they joined him, June saw what he had been looking at before they arrived down in the common room. On the common room noticeboard there was a new large sign that had been pinned up.

Pocket money failing to keep pace with your outgoings? Like to earn a little extra gold?
Contact Fred and George Weasley, Gryffindor common room, for simple, part-time, virtually painless jobs.
(We regret that all work is undertaken at applicant's own risk.)

  "What's that about?" asked Maribelle.

  "Fred and George have been creating stuff for their joke shop," June explained, noticing that the large poster was pinned over another poster. "I think this is to try and get testers."

  "Got to hand it to them," James nodded. "It is smart."

  "Don't think it was ever illusioned that they weren't," said June.

  "Anyways, what's up with that face, June?" he asked as they made for the portrait hole. "You look pissed about something."

  June scrunched her face in irritation. "Marlowe's a cunt."

  The Fat Lady cleared her throat in protest at her swear as she swung close. June paid her no mind and did not clarify further.

  "Marlowe thinks Harry's a lying, attention-seeking prat," Ginny scowled.

  James made a face and then muttered angrily. "Yeah, y'know Zachariah Morgan?" the girls nodded so he continued. "Kept me up half the night muttering about it to Colin. Think he was itching to have a row, saying that shit to fan-boy Creevey?"

  "You lot do not still call him that?" asked June, slightly offended on the boy's behalf.

  James shrugged. "It's stuck. You saw him, didn't you? Mate was obsessed with your brother, first year."

  She rolled her eyes as she shook her head in light disappointment. When they reached the foot of the marble staircase a few sparse gaggles of Slytherin fourth-years, Ravenclaw second-years and Hufflepuff third-years were mulling about in the Entrance Hall. The third-years noticed June's eye-catching red hair and scurried into the Great Hall, muttering whispers and throwing glances at her. June scuffed, thinking for a short moment before willing her hair straight and turquoise. It took her group until they were almost completely across the Hall to notice.

  "Bloody hell, June," Maribelle jumped, calling the other's attention to the new look.

  "Holy shit," breathed James.

  "What?" she shrugged as she continued into the Great Hall. "Already over it all, might as well give them something to stare at."

  "I like it," decided Maribelle. "Now we match."

  "Yeah, now you look like you both stepped out of the two hundred and sixty-four crayola crayon box," James scoffed.

  "Dunno what that is," said Maribelle, squinting at him, "and I'm not gonna ask because it sounds like it's not a compliment."

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