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Anastasia. She also gets called Stas by her friends. Anastasia is packing for her summer trip from Seattle to Florida. She does this trip yearly with her friend, Katrina, and her brother. Anastasia's brother Josh got sick a few days before they were supposed to leave for the trip, and Katrina had something come up. So it was just Anastasia going. When Anastasia was picking clothes for her trip, the bracelet on her left wrist was getting warm. But she ignores it. At this point she has been packing for 2 hours, trying to ignore the bracelet that her father gave her before he passed away when she was ten. Now she is eighteen. She goes downstairs to see if her brother is okay. She carefully walks down her stairs.
When she gets downstairs she sees her brother on the couch, watching TV, wrapped in a blanket with a bowl of soup on the table that Anastasia made him earlier.
"How are you feeling?" Anastasia asked
"Not that good," Josh whispered
"Do you need anything else?" she asked
"Maybe some water," Josh said
Anastasia walks over to the kitchen to get Josh a glass of water. When she gets the glass, she almost drops it and her hand hits the counter trying to catch it.
Josh hears the glass hit the counter.
"Are you okay?" Josh asked from the living room
"Yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry." Anastasia shouted back
Anastasia fills the glass with water and ice cubes. While she is filling the glass, her bracelet gets cold. She looks down at her bracelet with confusion. While she is focusing on her bracelet, she feels a cold sensation on her hand, it is the water making contact with her hand.
"What's taking you so long?" Josh said, almost frustrated but with a hazy voice.
"Sorry! I got distracted" Anastasia shouted.
Anastasia walks over to the fridge and gets ice from the freezer.
Anastasia walks over to Josh who is sickly lying all across the couch.
"Here's your water, your highness." Anastasia chuckled
"Thank you," Josh said, almost chuckling at the statement Anastasia said.
"I'm going to continue packing, I'm almost done, then I'll be leaving," Anastasia stated
"Okay, have fun in Florida!" Josh said joyfully, but sad because he can't go
Anastasia leaves Josh on the couch and goes upstairs to continue packing. Walking up the stairs carefully. When she gets to the landing at the top of the stairs, she sees her dog, Cherry. Cherry is whining at Anastasia. Anastasia bent down to pet Cherry.
After petting Cherry she goes to her room to continue.
After an hour of packing, she is ready to leave for Florida. Anastasia brings her suitcase down the stairs and sees that Josh is sleeping on the couch.
Anastasia walks over to Josh and taps him on the shoulder.
"Hey," Anastasia whispered
"What?" Josh groaned
"I'm leaving now," Anastasia whispered
Josh sprung up. Anastasia never had seen Josh move so quickly. He throws himself over the couch to hug Anastasia.
"Bye. Love you Josh" Anastasia said, calmly.
"I love you too Anastasia," Josh whispered.
Anastasia pulls out of the hug and grabs her suitcase.
"Bye! See you in a few weeks!" She shouted.
"Bye! I love you!" Josh shouted.

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