baby madda drama

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The song  🤣🤣


Everyone are currently in their rooms getting ready for the dinner reservation that Adrian made for us

We left the pool about 6 hous ago so we could get some sleep for tonight's events were planing to go check out this club I've been seeing on tik tok after the dinner

Surprisingly after that conversation me and odane had at the pool I srted talking to him

Call me a yam head all you want because ano me one a yam him a yam to 🤣

After about 3 hours we'll spend in the bathroom doing my make up and changing my wig I'm finally finished

I opend the door which seemed to caught odans attention and he smiled "you look good "and I started to blush

(Girl yo supposed to angry fucking yam head) my subconscious sef argued
I mentally rolled my eyes "likewise "I replied with a smile

This dress looks so good on me and the colour angle

We walked out of our hotel room hand in hand and me smiling like a gddy teenager walikng to the elevator when we got there it was occupie so we decided yo wait

When the door finally opend it was two grown adults they look around 40 or 45 sucking each orther face like mosquitoes sucking for blood

They realised that the elevator stop and looked around swear them heart reach a them mouth🤣

They came out and the lady gave me a small smile as soon as the door closed I look at odane and he looked at me an just like that we started laughing Like two ediots

We left the elevator were we saw everyone In the lobby waiting on us

"Look pan batty round a back " keneka Said when she saw me and Igave her a 360 witha little shake

"We need yo recipe " aliyah said and we started laughing

"Come mek we go tek some pictures " I suggest and they agreed

Kianna outfit (picture it without the feather) 👇

Kianna outfit (picture it without the feather) 👇

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Keneka outfit 👇

Aliyah outfit 👇

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Aliyah outfit 👇

When we got back to the looby I saw odane on his phone I smiled and walked up to him

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When we got back to the looby I saw odane on his phone I smiled and walked up to him

But the look on his face could tell it wasn't a good call his face could visibility showed that he was worried

And he wasn't saying anythng thing just hissing his teeth and the end of the call he  took a huge deep breath then exhaled it "soon come " he said then hang up
"What happen" I ask  jay and Adrian did the same

The looked at me with sorry regret and psin in his eyes "Come mek we go up a room" he said to me i gave the others a weird look then followed him

Going back to the room a thousand running through my mind what happened being the main ne

He opened the room for allowing me to enter first the he joined me he told me to sit and i did what was told

He took a deep breath before speaking "me a go back a Kingston " he said  but I was confused if was worng with the gang Adrian would already deal with it and if it was his mother his brother would already took her to the hospital

"Why " was all I managed to say

"Micky seh she a feel pain and can't walk so her madda call me " he said and my heart broke

I'm not even surprised at this

"So you can't go tomorrow " i asked And he nodded no I took a deep breath in then let it all out and start smiling so the tears would stay back

"Come make me help yo pack cause me no want no baby duppy a falla me" I said trying to make a joke so he couldn't hear the hurt in my voice
He looked at me weird "you sure "he asked And nodded at this time I was done packing his sucase

"Me a come back tomorrow if its nothing serious "

"It's ok cause a tomorrow night we a left "

He walked closer to me and kissed me on my forehead and took the sucase from me

"Love yo eno" I gave him a fake smiled and walked him to the door he gave me a look and gave him a tight lip smiled and closed the door

As soon as the closed the tears came I walked to the bathroom and looked at my self I was mess my make up streaming down my face

I took up my make-up remove and washed my face then changed my clothes I went back to the room to go sleep but there was a knock on the door

I got up to go see who it is it was Adrian jay Aliyah and Keneka I opened the door and they all walked in

Aliyah and Keneka hug me and I almost cried

Yes me cry cry

They started trying their best to cheer me up it worked a bit but I was still shaken up by the situation we drinker smoke and laugh that was the last thing I remember

I woke up by the sound of notification coming in on my phone my i was on the bed with aliyah and  keneka was on top of Adrian in the couch the couch is kinda like a bed so understandable and jay on the floor 🤣man a joker eno

I got up moving aliyah hands off me I took up my phone it was 4:34 how long were we sleeping for

I opend my whatsapp and I was a video from a unsaved number I hesitantly opened it and my hear dropped

It was odane in that slut micky bed sleeping I forwarded the message to him closed my phone I got up and packed my stuff took a shower then shook the girls awake

"Why you wake me so early" aliyah complained and I laughed that's aliyah for you I looked at keneka and she had the same reaction

"Mi a go somewhere fi couple days " I said

" where" keneka asked

"Me can't tell you cause me no want you tell no lie fi me " I said keneka hugged me and kianna joined and u hugged them back

I need some time for myself some were far away from all this drama I took up my two sucase and left I called a in drive and left the hotel

St.mary here I come

Guy I've been trying to update this for almost 3 days now but wattpad a give mi a warm time

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