The Illuminati and How it Came to Be

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    Have you ever gotten so bored one time, and just decided to study the back of a one dollar bill? Well  I know I have, and it was all going fine and dandy, until. I Noticed on the top of the pyramid on the back side of the bill. That there was some weird eye, in the shape of a triangle. Don't believe me? Take a look for yourself on any One dollar bill of your choosing. Have you looked? Scary, right? The answer  to that question, YES. You should be scared, and yes you should be afraid. Because that right there my friend, is the very first time a clue of the illuminati had been discovered. Since then there have been many others. How you can find clues of illuminati is simple. Since the Illuminati clues are based primarily on triangles, that is what you look for. Take a nice look around you, right now. See any angles, or points that may possibly connect into the shape or outline of a triangle? Yes. Thats right. Your not seeing things, that right there my fine reader, is indeed, The Illuminati. They have created triangles to look like even other regular shape, to try and conceal they're secrets for so many years, but not any longer. Every day more and more people are seeing that all there triangles are not normal, that somethings going on past our controlling. Illuminati. They've found they're way into just about everything. Your cat, your best friend, the one you can tell everything to. ITS ALL LIES. If you've ever taken a good long look at your cat, you would realize that yes. Its true, you may want to sit down for this one. Your cat. Is apart. Of the Illuminati.

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