Your Cat- Illuminati Secrets.

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Now I bet your wondering, if the Illuminati knows all information, how did they get it? Well the answer is simple,  Cats. As you might have noticed in my previous chapter, I explained how cats are apart of the Illuminati. Now if you didn't read that, get back there and read that crap. If you've already read it, - which I'm sure you did- then good, we're on the same page. Yes, it is a bit alarming, but all cats are indeed created by the Illuminati, simply for tricking us humans into thinking of them as actual animals, but truth flash, your cat is really a very complex secret agent that works only for the Illuminati. It all makes sense now doesn't it? Yes, you always wonder why your cat can jump so high,and is not often in the house. You may just think they are straying around close to your house, but really, they are going to deliver all the information they have recorded about you that day to the Illuminati. Shocking, yes I'm sure you most likely are very shocked, now that you know the truth about what your " cat " really is doing. When you really think about it, the Illuminati is very smart. They found a way to tap into your emotional stays by creating spy's in the bodes of cute, irresistible animals that can be used as pets. This is how they've pulled off knowing all this Information about us, and our secrets. After this book, you'l never trust your cat again. But its not only the " cats " that deliver information to the illuminati, about the other thirty percent of the information comes from online sources, some examples would be, Google, Yahoo, Twitter Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, You Tube, and many MANY others. Many of these websites/ Social networking sites are apart of our daily lives, and the Illuminati knows this, and this is how they know.  Nothing is a secret, nothing is private. And whose to blame? The Illuminati.

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