Chapter 9: Your Help

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The metal clang resounded in the cavern as I affixed the door to the hinges set in the wall.

"Remind me why I have to do all the digging?" Clay wiped her hands on her jeans as I saw a light sweat had broken out across her brow.

"Just consider it part of your training." I shot her a half smile as I ran my grease-stained fingers through my white hair. My teasing was met promptly with punch to the arm.

"Ow." I exaggerated the pain, rubbing the lightly bruised area with my other hand.

Grabbing the water bottle that sat near the wall she slid down onto the dirt floor, wiping her brow with her hand. Although she tried to hide it, it didn't take an expert to see that she was exhausted.

"Look. Why don't we take it easy tonight?" I slid down next to her, crossing my arms over my bent knees. We had worked tirelessly the last week to try to mitigate whatever anger the shadow man might've still felt toward us with shear dedication to our task. But he had yet to return, and it was clear the work was taking its toll. "We've worked really hard, and I say we deserve some time off."

I felt a wave of relief fall over Clay. Her shoulders relaxing. "Could we-" She cut her words short, twiddling her thumbs slightly.

"What?" I nudged her with my shoulder.

"Do you remember that park we used to go to?"

I stared at her blankly.

"You know, the one with the really creaky swing that dad would push me on?"

She smiled slightly as she hugged her knees to her chest. It almost seemed as if she was lost in a daydream, grasping at the little memories of what could have been.

Peering into the very edges of my memory, I too vaguely remembered that little park. Clayra's giggles would light up the whole space as she was shot into the air.

'Watch this dad!' The younger memory version of myself called out, desperate for him to watch as I flew down the bright yellow slide.

'Did you see? Did you see?' I would run up to him, tugging on his coat jacket. His voice was so warm.

'Yes, I saw! That was awesome!'

No matter how many times I would go down that slide desperate for his attention, he praised me as if it was the first time he had seen it.

A bittersweet smile coated my lips.

"Yea, I remember."

A silent void grew between us as we both walked the worn path of remembrance.

"Let's do it!" I stood up from the wall first, holding out my hand to help her. "Let's go!"

It had been so long since I saw her face light up with pure unadulterated excitement, her blue eyes sparkling like the waves on a summer day. I didn't realize how much I missed it.

As we exited the sewers, the full moon shining brightly against the pavement, we each took a deep breath as if we were breathing for the first time in years.

"Come on!" She grabbed my hand pulling me forcefully out into the street.

I was almost surprised at how quiet the streets were, and save for the slight creak as the wind blew against the swings and the merry-go-round, it felt as if this world was our own. It was peaceful, and for the first time in a long time, it felt like we were kids again.

As I watched Clay run straight for the swings, and she glided higher and higher with each turn, I realized just how much had been stolen from us. Life had been endlessly cruel. We were kids who were robbed of the chance of truly being children. Sorrow seemed to corrupt everything we touched.

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