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Season 3A Episode 5

"She said, in my heart and in my head tell me why this has to end oh no, oh no I can't save us my Atlantis, we fall"

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"She said, in my heart and in my head tell me why this has to end oh no, oh no I can't save us my Atlantis, we fall"


Derek had kicked Issac out of the loft. Deucalion, Kali, and Ennis had come to the loft and Derek couldn't have Izzy, Cora, and Issac there and he couldn't throw his sister or daughter out which left issac.

Izzy had been there and watched Derek throw a glass at issac, which pissed her off even more than she already was when Derek told issac he needed to be out that night.

"It's not even the fact that you kicked him out, I understand why you kicked him out, it's the fact that you threw a glass at him when you know what he's been through. And you didn't even let him say an extra night. You kicked out and it's storming outside. You couldn't have at least gave him till morning?" Izzy argued

Derek sighed, "I have to take care of you and Cora. I can't take care of him too. The alpha pack knows where we live."

Izzy narrowed her eyes at her father, "have to?" She asked there was something about the way derek had said he had to take care of her. Like it was some kind of chore he couldn't get out of doing.

"You know what I mean." Derek said, "do I? You don't have to take care of me. You don't have to do anything. I can take care of myself, I am more than capable of taking care of myself." Izzy said. She was still trying to get used to this whole caring parent thing, "I know you are, trust me I know you are. And I didn't mean it like that." Derek said

Izzy scoffed, "Look izzy, the alpha pack knows where we live. I can't protect you, Cora, and issac." Derek said. Izzy rolled her eyes and ran upstairs to her room annoyed.

Should she have stayed down there and actually talked to him? Yeah. But when she argues with Kate, they talked anything out, they'd just walk away angry.


The next morning after Derek and Izzy's fight they were talking about the alpha pack. They being, Derek, izzy, Cora, Peter, and boyd. 

Derek and Izzy were both to stubborn to apologize to each other or talk about it.

"I know where they are." Scott said running into the loft, "Same building as the Argents. We know." Derek said "Cora and I followed the twins." Boyd said

"Then they want you to know." Scott said, "Or, more likely, they don't care." Peter said, "What is this?" Scott asked seeing the blue prints on the table

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