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Request by prachiparma421! I'm so sorry this took so long

The members were all gathered in their practice room. They were going to start practicing for their upcoming concert in Osaka for the next day, and Hoseok could not be more excited. He always loved being in Osaka, as it was a place that upheld some of his finest memories.

The day was especially nice too, with the sky blue and no clouds floating around to give the impression that there would be rain. Even the air smelled nice and there was even a low pollen count that day so Hoseok found himself breathing deeply through his nose with a smile on his face.

Namjoon was currently running through their setlist. "Open with Dionysus, followed by Not Today, and then Wings ..."

"Let's get into positions!" their choreographer called, clapping his hands together. "You don't have to dance hard, just mark your steps."

Hoseok got into his spot, trying his best to contain the grin that always seemed to accompany his face while he was dancing. They were on stage to rehearse while dressed in all black and it was the middle of summer in Japan, but nothing could bring his mood down. The music for Dionysus started playing, and Hoseok took a deep breath.

He started the song with Taehyung, letting out his lines clearly and articulately and he mentally pat himself on the back, promising himself a coffee later on. Hoseok got into position quickly and the seven members started walking down the stage like they always do in the choreography and that's when everything started to turn to shit.

It wasn't that obvious it was there, so Hoseok had to give himself that, but it was so sudden, he couldn't even think.

There was a hole in the stage, and it was right between the spot where Hoseok and Namjoon would have walked down the stage. Hoseok was glad it was himself that fell and not Namjoon, but goddamn did it hurt. His leg hit something and he felt a searing pain as a result. His vision blurred and his leg hurt.


There was screaming, which only added to his anxiety, each voice making his heart thump louder and louder. He felt a cold sweat drip down his neck, which only added to the sick feeling he had.

Hands were touching him and he just wanted to scream that it hurt, but when he opened his mouth, only a strangled whimper exited, making him feel worse. He felt bile rise up his throat and he prayed to any deity he could think of that he wouldn't throw up. A hand stroked his hair, and even with how much pain he was in, just that touch alone instantly lowered his anxiety levels. He was gently pulled into someone's lap and he whined when his leg was jostled.

"Help is almost here, sunshine. Hang in there." he heard Yoongi whisper. Hoseok only closed his eyes to try and ignore the pain.

The next thing he knew, there was a man leaning over him and Hoseok felt himself being rolled away on a stretcher. Someone squeezed his hand, and he tried his best to squeeze back.



He opened his eyes slowly. Everything was a little fuzzy, and he was so tired. Namjoon was leaning over him, a look of worry overcoming his face. "'M awake. Wh'n's th' concert st'rt?" He was exhausted.

The leader sighed. "About that ..." He paused slightly, staring Hoseok directly in the eye. "You had a break in your femur and a bad fracture in your ankle. And ..." He paused again, frown on his face. "You dislocated your knee cap. You'll heal, but it's going to take a while. They had to put a metal plate in your femur."

Hoseok's eyes widened, his previous tiredness dissipating. "How long will I be out for?" This couldn't be happening. What would the fans think? How could he not be able to dance?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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