izuku midoriya

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First Name: ("Izuku")
Last name: ("Midoriya")
Alias: ("")
Age: ("16")
Birthday: ("July 15")
Place of birth: ("Japan")
Currently lives in: ("Japan")
Gender: ("Male")
Pronouns: ("He/Him/Himself")
Sexuality: ("Pansexual")
Species: ("Human")
Nationality: ("Japanese")
Ethnicity: ("Japanese")
Obsessions: ("All Might")
Personality: ("obsessive" + "fanboy" + "kind" + "cool" + "loveable" + "nice")
Traits: ("")
Likes: ("mother" + "friends" + "heroes")
Dislikes: ("villains")
Pet Peeves: ("loves heroes")
Quirks: ("")
Hobbies: ("fighting" + "training")
Phobias: ("arachnophobia")
Manias: ("")
Flaws: ("")
Strengths: ("fighting" + "defense" + "combat" + "academic")
Weaknesses: ("")
Values: ("")
Disabilities: ("")
Mental Disorders: ("anxiety")
Illnesses: ("")
Arch type: ("")
Allergies: ("")
Medication: ("")
Blood Type: ("O")
Mother: ("Inko Midoriya")
Father: ("unknown")
Siblings: ("none")
Uncles: ("none")
Aunts: ("none")
Grandmothers: ("none")
Granfathers: ("none")
Cousins: ("none")
Nephews: ("none")
Nieces: ("none")
Love Interest: ("Katsuki Bakugou")
Friends: ("Katsuki" + "Ochaco Uraraka" + "Tsuyu Asui" + "Tenya Lida" + "Momo Yaorozuro" + "Ejirl Kirishima" + "Denki Kaminari")
Enemies: ("Tomura Shigaraki")
Pets: ("none")
Setting: ("")
Residence: ("")
Place of Birth: ("near Shizuoka Prefecture")
Career: ("UA student")
Car: ("")
House: ("")
Religion: ("none")
Social Class: ("")
Education: ("high school")
Languages: ("japanese" + "english")
IQ: ("")
Daily Routine: ("")
Communication skills: ("")
Introvert or Extrovert?: ("extrovert")
MBIT: ("")
Enneagram: ("")
Moral allighnment: ("")
Temperament: ("")
Backstory: ("In a world where most humans on the planet develop superpowers soon after they're born, a boy named Izuku Midoriya was one of the few who never developed any powers. As a child, Izuku dreamed to become a superhero like his idol, All Might, after he developed his power, or "Quirk". As such, he was devastated once he learned that he'd never get a quirk. His lack of a Quirk made him a prime target for bullying, but Izuku still wanted to be a hero, and planned to go to the prestigious U.A. hero academy. Ten months before the entrance exams for U.A. started, Izuku came face to face with All Might after he was saved from a villain by him. Izuku asked All Might if it was possible for someone without a quirk to be a hero, but he responded by telling him that he needed realistic dreams. Soon after, the same villain from before ended up breaking free and attacking one of Izuku classmates. Despite not having a quirk, Izuku still tried to save his classmate. While he didn't stop the villain, he did give All Might enough time to defeat them himself. After this, All Might decided that Izuku had the potential to become a hero, with his help. He decided that he would grant Izuku his own Quirk to help him achieve his dreams. After ten months of training, All Might passed his Quirk, One For All, down to Izuku. Izuku then managed to pass the entrance exam, and officially enrolled in U.A, taking on the Hero name Deku")
Roleplay: ("")

Height: ("166 cm")
Weight: ("")
Eye color: ("Green")
Eye shape: ("Round")
Glasses? : ("No")
Vision: ("20/20")
How do the glasses look? : ("")
Teeth shape: ("Square")
Teeth color: ("White")
Hair or bald? : ("Hair")
Hair texture: ("Soft")
Hair length: ("Short")
Hairstyle: ("Not specified")
Body hair: ("")
Current hair color: ("green and black")
Natural hair color: ("green and black")
Type of shampoo: ("")
Type of conditioner: ("")
Body shape: ("fit")
Chest: ("muscled")
Stomach: ("")
Butt: ("")
Ear shapes: ("round")
Face shape: ("triangular")
Jawline: ("soft")
Skin: ("soft" + "clear")
Hands: ("small")
Nails: ("yes")
Nail length: ("short")
Nail color: ("none")
Nail design: ("none")
Lip shape: ("round square")
Nose shape: ("triangle")
Makeup? : ("no")
Lipstick color: ("")
Blush color: ("")
Eyeshadow color: ("")
Contour color: ("")
Clothing style: ("soft")
Piercings: ("none")
Tattoos: ("none")
Birthmarks: ("none")
Scars: ("on his arm from fighting a villain")

Confidence: (/10)
Power: (/10)
Humor: (/10)
Intelligence: (/10)
Pride: (/10)
Greed: (/10)
Wealth: (/10)
Agility: (/10)
Speed: (/10)
Damage: (/10)
Strength: (/10)
Flexibility: (/10)
Reflexes: (/10)
Patience: (/10)
Humor: (/10)
Independence: (/10)
Cooperative: (/10) 
Creativity: (/10)
Friendliness: (/10)


Favourite Colours: ("")
Favourite Book: ("")
Favourite Movie: ("")
Favourite Music Genre: ("")
Favourite Song: ("")
Favourite TV Shows: ("")
Favourite Games: ("")
Favourite Food: ("")
Favourite Drink: ("")
Favourite Dessert: ("")
Favourite Season: ("")
Favourite Holiday: ("")
Favourite Weather: ("")
Favourite Animals: ("")
Favourite Places: ("")
Favourite Sounds: ("")
Favourite Smells: ("")
Favourite Mythical Creature: ("")
Favourite Websites: ("")
Favourite Stores: ("")
Favourite Numbers: ("")
Favourite Words: ("")

Least Favourite Colour: ("")
Least Favourite Book: ("")
Least Favourite Movie: ("")
Least Favourite Music Genre: ("")
Least Favourite Song: ("")
Least Favourite TV Shows: ("")
Least Favourite Games: ("")
Least Favourite Food: ("")
Least Favourite Drink: ("")
Least Favourite Dessert: ("")
Least Favourite Season: ("")
Least Favourite Holiday: ("")
Least Favourite Weather: ("")
Least Favourite Animals: ("")
Least Favourite Places: ("")
Least Favourite Sounds: ("")
Least Favourite Smells: ("")
Least Favourite Mythical Creature: ("")
Least Favourite Websites: ("")
Least Favourite Stores: ("")
Least Favourite Numbers: ("")
Least Favourite Words: ("")

SKILLS: ("")
WARDROBE: ("outfit name: description") + ("outfit name: description") + ("outfit name: description")
GOALS: ("")

Hero Name: ("Deku")
Hero, Villain, Vigilante, Hero in training, or Citizen?: ("")
Super power/quirk: ("One For All")
Super power/quirk description: ("Izuku's Quirk allows him to stockpile an enormous amount of raw power, allowing him to significantly enhance all of his physical abilities to various boundless levels. This results in unbelievable levels of strength, speed, stamina, agility, and durability. When Izuku activates One For All, red, vein-like lines course throughout the empowered part of his body.")
Ultimate fighting move: ("")
Quirk drawback: ("")
Hero costume description: ("")

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