mha - Eri

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Requested by Yuki20182

**First Name:** Eri 
**Last Name:** N/A
**Alias:** N/A 
**Age:** 7 
**Birthday:** April 1 
**Place of Birth:** Musutafu, Japan 
**Currently lives in:** UA High School 

**Gender:** Female 
**Pronouns:** She/Her 
**Sexuality:** Too young to determine 
**Species:** Human 

**Obsessions:** None 

**Personality:** Timid, Gentle, Curious 
**Traits:** Timid, Gentle, Curious 
**Likes:** Mirio Togata, Heroes, Stuffed animals 
**Dislikes:** Villains, Loud noises, Being alone 

**Quirks:** Rewind 
**Hobbies:** Playing with toys, Drawing 

**Phobias:** Villains 

**Strengths:** Possesses a powerful quirk, Resilient 
**Weaknesses:** Emotional trauma, Lack of control over her quirk 

**Values:** Safety, Kindness, Hope 

**Disabilities:** Emotional trauma 

**Mental Disorders:** Post-traumatic stress disorder 

**Archetype:** The Innocent Child 
**Allergies:** None 

**Medication:** None 

**Blood Type:** O 

- **Parents:** Deceased 
- **Siblings:** None 

**Height:** 3'9" 
**Weight:** 40 lbs 
**Eye Color:** Blue 
**Eye Shape:** Big and round 

**Glasses?:** No 
**Vision:** Normal 

**Teeth Shape:** Normal 
**Teeth Color:** White 

**Hair or Bald?:** Hair 
**Hair Texture:** Straight 
**Hair Length:** Long 

**Hairstyle:** Loose and unkempt 

**Current Hair Color:** White 
**Natural Hair Color:** White 

**Body Shape:** Petite and slender 
**Chest:** Flat 
**Stomach:** Thin 
**Butt:** Small 

**Ear Shapes:** Normal 
**Face Shape:** Round 
**Jawline:** Soft 

**Skin:** Pale 
**Hands:** Small and delicate 
**Nails:** Short 

**Lip Shape:** Thin 
**Nose Shape:** Small and upturned 

**Makeup?:** None 

**Clothing Style:** Casual and comfortable 

**Piercings:** None 
**Tattoos:** None 

**Birthmarks:** None 
**Scars:** None 

**Confidence:** 3/10 
**Power:** 10/10 
**Humor:** 4/10 
**Intelligence:** 5/10 
**Pride:** 2/10 
**Greed:** 1/10 
**Wealth:** N/A 
**Agility:** 4/10 
**Speed:** 3/10 
**Damage:** 10/10 
**Strength:** 3/10 
**Flexibility:** 5/10 
**Reflexes:** 4/10 
**Patience:** 8/10 
**Humor:** 4/10 
**Independence:** 2/10 
**Cooperative:** 9/10 
**Creativity:** 6/10 
**Friendliness:** 7/10 

**Important Facts:** Possesses a quirk that can rewind a person's body, allowing her to heal injuries or reverse someone's age, but lacks control over it. 

**Good Memories:** Meeting Mirio Togata, Being saved by heroes 
**Bad Memories:** Traumatic experiences with Overhaul 

**Life Events:** Orphaned at a young age, Rescued from captivity by heroes 

**Mannerisms:** Shy demeanor, Clinging to those she trusts 

**Favourite Colors:** Pink, Blue 
**Favourite Book:** Picture books 
**Favourite Movie:** Animated films 
**Favourite Music Genre:** Children's songs 
**Favourite Song:** "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" 
**Favourite TV Shows:** Cartoons 
**Favourite Games:** Simple puzzles 
**Favourite Food:** Candy 
**Favourite Drink:** Apple juice 
**Favourite Dessert:** Ice cream 
**Favourite Season:** Spring 
**Favourite Holiday:** Christmas 
**Favourite Weather:** Sunny 

**Least Favourite Colors:** Gray, Brown 
**Least Favourite Book:** Horror stories 
**Least Favourite Movie:** Thrillers 
**Least Favourite Music Genre:** Heavy metal 
**Least Favourite Song:** None 
**Least Favourite TV Shows:** News programs 
**Least Favourite Games:** Scary games 
**Least Favourite Food:** Vegetables 
**Least Favourite Drink:** Bitter tea 
**Least Favourite Dessert:** Bitter chocolate 
**Least Favourite Season:** Winter 
**Least Favourite Holiday:** Halloween 
**Least Favourite Weather:** Rainy 

**Skills:** Quirk usage (rewind), Drawing 

**Locations:** UA High School, Heroes' agency 

**Objects:** Stuffed animals, Drawing supplies 

- **Casual Clothes:** Comfortable and child-friendly attire 

**Goals:** To regain control over her quirk and live a normal, happy life, free from fear and trauma.

**Hero Name:** N/A 
**Hero Role:** N/A 
**Quirk:** Rewind 
**Quirk Description:** Allows the user to rewind the state of a person's body, potentially healing injuries or reversing their age. 
**Ultimate Move:** N/A 
**Quirk Drawback:** Lack of control over the quirk's power, which can result in unintentional effects. 
**Hero Costume Description:** N/A 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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