- too close -

884 15 1

you and König were assigned to be roommates when you both joined KorTac. König, your tall, quiet, and reserved roommate rarely lashed out at you or even talked to you outside of your missions. But today was different.

I was training with a fellow rookie, doing hand to hand combat. While we were sparring, Joel, the rookie, tackled me to the ground. I chuckled at it, thinking nothing else of it, before Joel laughed along and helped me up.

What I didn't know was that a jealous feeling was brewing inside of König. He watched as Joel tackled me, a hatred brewing inside of him.

Joel's hands rest on my shoulder as he wishes no hard feelings for winning the sparring match. I smile back at him and before I knew it, König began to pull me away.

"You're too damn close to him. I don't like the way he's touching you." König growls.

This was weird. König's usual quiet and reserved demeanor was replaced with a now cold and possessive one.

"You're done here. Grab your things. Jetzt." he commanded and grabbed onto my wrist tightly.

"König!" I exclaim as he pulls me with him, his grasp was tight and slightly hurt.

He spins me towards him, not really caring if I got hurt in the process, "Did I stutter? We're leaving."

His usual quiet demeanor is gone, this cold, harsh treatment is new for me, especially from him. I wasn't used to this weird demanding treatment, he usually ignored my existence.

I grab my things and follow behind him a small amount of fear rising inside me the more I thought about his behavior.

He doesn't speak to me, but simply leads the way until we are both back at our room. He closes the door behind me and locks it before turning to face me.

"What is your problem?" I yell at him.

"My 'problem' is you." His eyes are unblinking and hard as he glares down at me.

I don't think you've ever seen him look at me this way before. He's always been quiet and mysterious, but never this cold and distant.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I spit, throwing my training bag on my bunk bed.

"What the hell do you think you were doing sparring with that rookie?"

He takes a step closer to me and my heart races, he hasn't ever been this confrontational with me. He looks at me, his eyes almost daring me to move, daring me to talk back to him.

"We were training könig, plus what's it matter to you how I touch someone, I'm not your girlfriend." I spew.

"You're right, rookie." Another step closer and my heart races, fear creeping into my body with every inch he takes closer.

He stands before me, the size of him intimidating you.

He leans in towards me until your chests touch and whispers, "but you are my roommate."

His lips are a breath away from mine as he speaks, his rough voice causing my heart to race even more than I though possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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könig x reader - one shots (18+) Where stories live. Discover now