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Operation: Roadside Sermons (Field/DivZal/S30824.716/)
Operative: Macario Tabil. Field Agent 3rd Layer. Inducted into the Lower Mysteries. Capable of sharing senses with observed parties, tracking imprinted auras, projecting their senses in a radius or to an observed location.
Target: Abreon Makrinoth, deacon of Halyst in the Temple of Tempests. Human, aged 56. 172 centimetres. Chin-length, deep brown curls, flecked grey. Slight build. Dark eyes.
Mission Briefing: Target has allegedly performed a miracle several months ago: Safely guiding a ship back into harbour, despite a gaping hole just below the waterline. Target has no known ties to any magical organisation. If reports are true, and a miracle really was performed, that would indicate a measure of truth in the Zalin faith. Moreover, this would point towards a source of divine power that, at this moment, only a foreign priesthood is tapping into.

The goal of this mission is to confirm or refute the veracity of these reports. To do this, agent Tabil is expected to study the behaviour of deacon Makrinoth, with the goal of infiltrating their flock and learning what they may.

What follows is a compilation of Tabil's reports from the moment they arrived in Laidonos:


Date: 11th of Moulting
Current identity: Merchant from Dunhag. Chin-length hair and full beard, dyed with red ochre and streaks of ash. Green woollen cap and tunic, with binding over left knee to shift my gait.
Current location: Laidonos. Láspi Delta, Northern Zalis.
Area overview: Middling city. Its shape and size dictated by the rivers, and habitable ground in the salt marshes. Home of the target at the Temple of Tempests, dedicated to Halyst.

Report: Reached the city in late afternoon. Had some trouble locating the temple; Had my eyes aimed high, searching for spires or points of elevation. Followed roads leading up. Thought temples were supposed to be in places like that? Had to ask around. Directions led me to the floodplains, of all places. A tiered complex of thin, interconnected spires. Lowest rung caked in salt and barnacles. Most likely disappears underwater during flood. A bridge led to the main entrance, on the second ring of the main building. A bridge swarming with people. There was no sermon calling for them. Pilgrims? Mostly from Zalis, handful of foreigners too. Possibly here for the deacon and their miracle.

Followed the flow of people. Inside, let my eyes wander and head swivel. Decided that I was now a tourist. Looked, sought, saw the deep blue robe of Halyst's preachers. Approached, but did not ask questions. Other visitors did so for me. Only needed to listen in.
-Guests asked when sermons are given
-Twice daily at high tide.
-Guest asked when Deacon Makrinoth will speak.
-Inconclusive. Preacher claimed target is not present.

Some visitors asked when the deacon would return. Others asked where they are now. Answer remained the same: "We are not at liberty to share the deacon's personal plans."
Implying that they do know.

Retreated to a tavern where I'll spend the night. Need to consider my options.

Notes: Claims of miracles are not unheard of. Plenty of preachers are eager to take credit for a good harvest, or the sudden recovery of a patient. Claims like these often encourage local piety. Claims on the scope of Abreon's alleged feat are more rare. They attract a great deal of attention. From believers, sceptics, opponents, and from us.

Could Abreon really have left? If yes, why?
Many alleged miracle-workers travel to spread their new influence. Convert foreign masses. If Abreon was doing this, it'd draw attention. I would know.
Plenty of saints died in religious violence, their miracles causing a schism, making them a target. Past two centuries saw plenty martyr themselves by going into self-imposed exile (read, go into hiding) to avoid this.
Could be tipped off. Files from the Strana case in Shaulk, 12 years ago, say that pontiff Varován went into hiding specifically to avoid questioning by our agents.

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