Part 2 - Mismatched Worlds

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When the time hit 12 am midnight everywhere you could hear music playing. Ni-ki heart the music playing from a distance he opened his eyes and looked at his balcony.

He got curious about what that sound could be, he moved his blanket to the side and put his legs on the floor to get up. He stood up and walked towards the balcony.

When Ni-ik reached his balcony he looked outside and saw people walking around and moving around. He looked at them confused at the way they moved, he said " What is this sound and why are there moving like that?"

He kept on looking at the people and without knowing he felt his feet moving up and down at the same moment with the sound. Ni-ki looked at his feet and stopped his feet from moving, he was still standing there and looked at the people with curiosity.

Without realizing began he to sit down on the chair that was located in his balcony, he was how people were moving and he saw some people touching stuff like a chestnut or leafs. Or how they pounded on there stomach.

He looked at them and realized that they were making that sound, his eyes widened with relaxation as if he knew that the sound was harmless.

He looked at each person and saw how happy everyone looked he saw children moving along with the sound and saw the couples moving along with each other in their arms. He felt his stomach began to feel empty and his heart rate slowly moving.

He held his hands against his heart and stomach and felt himself being lonely, he felt tears in his eyes. Ni-ki looked at the sky filled with different colors and smiled he whispered to himself  " When will my light shine against me?" He smiled and moved his hand against his necklace and felt the diamonds glowing.

He's eyes widened and he looked around everywhere but he couldn't find the scourge of light. He felt his hope crumbling and he looked at the happy villagers with sadness in his eyes.

He held his necklace in his hands and looked once more at the happy faces of everyone and with a sad chuckle he walked back to his bed and lied down.

Before he closed his eyes he looked once more to the lights shining in his room and felt his heart beating with a longing feeling. Ni-ki averted his eyes and brought one of his hand to his chest to feel his heart beat and the other one to his necklace. With that he closed his eyes and felt tears streaming down his cheeks and slowly fell asleep in his sadness.

Moments before the clock hit midnight Akiko shook her mother awake and told her to get up and to get ready for the light wave.

Light wave is a tradition in the village it's only know for the people that live poorly they are holding this tradition to thank the northern lights and water surrounding their small village.

They dance with the sound of nature and use the lights as their path to dance. While Akiko waits for her mother to get ready she looked at the waves movement so she can know when the right time hits.

While looking at the beautiful waves, she felt a hand on her shoulder and saw her mother smiling at her. She averted her eyes from the waves and looked at her mother.

She looked at her mother dress it was one she made herself by leafs and wood. She smiled at her mother and whistled at her mother of how beautiful she looked.

When the mother heard her daughter whistling for her she felt her cheeks burning and she slapped on her chest while saying " Akiko don't make your mother blush".

Akiko heard her mother saying that and she began to smile widely and said " You look cute while blushing".  When her mother heard the sincerely in her daughter's voice.

She smiled and pulled her daughter for a huge. Akiko felt herself colliding. With her mother chest she felt safe in her arms and buried her head on her mother shoulder. While whispering I love you.

Akiko felt her mother pulling back and held her head and kissed her forehead while saying I love you too.

After 2 minutes holding each other they let go and Akiko looked at the waves and saw them moving closer. She nodded her head and turned to her mother and said it's time. Her mother nodded to her and they both walked outside their hut.

While walking to the dance floor that is surrendered with flowers and beautiful lights. They felt the lights hitting their faces and saw the waves moving towards them.

It was time!

Akiko saw the waves coming towards them all and saw how the waves were forming a circle around them. They saw how the lights touched the waves and saw how beautifully it shined. Like a diamond.

Akiko heard the music playing and she held her mother's hand to signal her to dance with her and the mother accepted it.

They were both lost in the feeling of the music and the sound of nature. Akiko saw how happy her mother was when she danced under the northern lights.

She really admired her mother she was her everything. Her lights her waves, her mother did everything to her and now she wants to repay her mother back.

Lost in her thoughts she didn't notice that her mother asked her something. When she heard a finger click sound she snapped out of her daze. And saw the worried look of her mother.

Akiko heard her mother asking her " Are you okay darling?" Akiko shook her head and smiled at her mother she nodded her head in a gesture that she is okay.

Her mother believed her and asked Akiko " Would you like to rest sweetheart". Akiko nodded her head and with that they walked out of the wave circle and sat down on a rock.

While watching the waves and the other people dancing she looked around her and saw that her mother wasn't next to her. She felt panicked she looked around and felt her heart beating fast.

Akiko didn't saw her mother anywhere and was about to scream for help but before she could scream she saw her mother dancing with a man who looked like her age.

Akiko was still standing there watching how her mother was dancing happily with the man. She smiled at them and began to walk away from them. She is happy for her mother to see her dancing with others.

But why did she feel empty without her, she looked down and walked back to the rock where she sad earlier. When she sad down she looked at her reflection on the waves. She saw how the waves shine under the lights.

Before she could look at the sky she saw a bright blue shine inside the waves and she looked at it for a moment. Before she knew it she walked closer to the waves were the blue shined.

When she walked closer she saw a diamond shaped rock that glowed under the lights. Without thinking she put her hand inside the waves and touched the glowing rock.

She looked how bright it got from her touch when she picked the blue rock up she saw a laser beam coming from the rock and going to the rich people side she looked how the light went to the balcony of the rich boy she always looked at.

Akiko saw the boy standing there and he was holding on his necklace which was glowing as well. She felt the glowing rock in her hands getting warmer. She felt the warmth going inside the rock and before she knew it she felt it explode on her hands.

Before it could explode she yelped and threw the rock inside the waves again and ran away from there towards her mother.

The rock stopped glowing and the light beam disappeared into thing air. The waves slowly started to move the rock toward the shore of the ocean.

To be continued...
Hii lovely readers!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter 🤍

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Have a lovely day ahead 🤍

Written 19/10/23

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