Before they outlaw the kiss, Baby give me one last hug🫂

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Warning : self harm ~
Harry and louis are ordered to stay separated during a press tour.
Louis isolates himself completely. No one knows why

"This is so fucked" Harry yells, throwing himself down onto the sofa in the tour bus,
"Its messed up I know mate" Zayn says, sitting next to him and patting his shoulder.

They look up as Louis walks quickly onto the bus, going straight to his bunk without a word. Harry sighs sadly, slumping down, he hates when they do this kind of shit.

"I'll go talk to him haz" Niall says, giving him a small smile, he stands and follows Louis to his bunk."Hey lou, I'm sorry they're doing this" he says sympathetically, Louis sends him a sad smile before pulling the curtain across and laying down, turning to face the wall as he feels tears welling up.

"Lou-" Niall starts, cutting himself of when he hears Louis sniffle softly, he sighs as he walks back to the others with a heavy heart.

"How is he?" Liam asks hesitantly, "uh... come here" he replies, nodding towards the kitchen area, Liam stands and walks over as Harry groans dropping his head into his hands.


The next couple days are incredibly hard for everyone. Louis isn't talking to Harry at all and he doesn't understand why, he understands they have to stay away from each other for the press tour, but no one said it had to be like this.

Plus no one can take listening as Louis cries himself to sleep, especially Harry, who wants nothing more than to hold his boy in his arms and make him feel happy.

It's like torture for everyone.

"Can't you talk to him, find out what happened?" Zayn whispers to liam as they walk back to the bus, gesturing to Louis.

"I've tried talking to him, he either tells me it's nothing or gets snippy" he sighs, only glancing at zayn as he speaks, careful that no one hears them, "the only time he'll talk to me is when we're out there doing the interviews and shit. But it's all fake" he adds.

Zayn sighs as he opens the door, "something must have happened after they had the meeting, this shit has been pulled before but he's never reacted like this" he says, stepping onto the bus with Liam close behind.

He sighs, shooting a sad smile to niall as he joins them, "It's so much more obvious that something is going on right ? I mean if they had just left them alone this wouldn't be happening, the fans can tell something is up with both of them just look at twitter" He says, joining the conversation and handing his phone to Zayn.

"Shit, he's right...they can tell" Zayn says, letting liam take the phone to scroll through the endless tweets about how obvious it is that Louis and Harry are avoiding each other and how Louis is very clearly having a hard time.

"I mean...he's barely sleeping, I've seen the girls trying to cover it up, make him look his usual self but it's not enough" he says sadly, letting out a frustrated sigh. Niall nods and opens his mouth to speak, "we just need-" he starts, but Liam quickly shushes him quietly.

"Hey Lou" he says, flashing a gentle smile as he emerges from the bathroom.
They watch quietly as he walks into the kitchen area and switches on the kettle,
"Hey" he replies giving them a tired smile.

"Lou" Niall says softly, walking over to stand in front of him, "I know you don't want to talk but-".
"I dont" Louis interjects.
"I know and I get it but...maybe a hug instead?" He continues softly, opening his arms cautiously.

Louis tenses a little and Niall worries he's gonna bolt, Louis opens to mouth to say no but before he knows it he's nodding and throwing himself into his embrace.

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