Chapter 3: Murderous Sociopath

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Ellie Hunt POV

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Ellie Hunt POV

I was wandering in the woods when I noticed a large predator. He looked scary but I walked up to him. He turned to me.

He stared at me confused. "Hi..." He looked at me. Hi? What are you doing all alone kid? He asked me.

"I wandered lose from my brothers." I then wanted him to pick me up. He sighed and complied. He gently picked me up. I giggled and he smiled.

He then flinched as I placed my hand on his cheek. He looked at me shocked.

Ellie! Where the hell did you go now?! My oldest brother Scar yelled. The predator put me down.

Go on. I then saw Scar. "Scar..." he smiled and picked me up.

I think we might have to put a tracker on you, kiddo. Who were you talking to?Scar asked looking around. I turned expecting to see the predator but he was gone.

"No one..."

Come on. We're leaving for the CDC. He told me. "Didn't daddy say it's not safe?" I asked. Yes he did, but Rick convinced him otherwise. Scar said.

I nodded.

Later in camp

I squealed as I squirmed in Fugi's arms. He was struggling to hold me. Damn it, Ellie. I'm gonna throw you in the water again. Fugi threatened. I giggled.

I then sat still in Fugi's arms. I saw Andrea and smiled at her. I then saw my uncle Daryl. Fugi put me down. "Uncle Daryl!"

He picked me up. "Hey, kiddo. Whatcha doing?"

"Trying to escape from Fugi's wrath." I joked. Uncle Daryl smiled.

Alright, Kid. Come on. Uncle Daryl handed me to my father.

Okay, trouble maker. Let's go get in the RV. I squealed. We got in the RV and he sat down on the couch with me.

Take a nap. You're too damn energetic for me... Dad joked. I smiled. He wrapped a blanket around me and gave me my binki. I then fell asleep.

Crucifer sighed as he rubbed Ellie's head. He's been more and more tired since Madison's death.

He then noticed Shane looking at him. "She's ten years old and still uses a binki...?"

"You're 30 years old and you still cheated on your best friend?" Crucifer shot back.

Shane's jaw dropped. "Yeah... you're not as sneaky as you think..."

I woke up when the RV jolted to a stop. I sat up. Hey. It's okay. You're okay. I saw the predator from before.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered.

Well, I'm checking on you, kid. You didn't think I seriously would let you out of my sight? I smiled. We heard a sound and he cloaked himself. I saw Uncle Daryl.

"Hey, kiddo. Whatcha doing?" He asked.

"Waking up from my nap..." I mumbled. Uncle Daryl smiled. He then picked me up with my blankie and binki.

We got outside and I noticed a cloaked figure watching me.

"Sire! We have evidence Berserker is following us." Scar said. "Or he's following Ellie." He said.

"Why?" He asked. "Mom told us about a prophecy... 'the Son of Paya the cold hearted God would be the reincarnation of him and he is said to have feed off human souls. But there is one person who can save his soul. A little girl that is immune.'" Fugi recited.

Crucifer looked. "You think it's Ellie?" Scar nodded. "I'm certain it's her."

I was sitting on the ground and Ghidorah was watching me.

I then looked and saw Berserker. He put a finger to his lips. I nodded. He pulled out his blades. Suddenly he stabbed someone. I turned. He stabbed a predator through the chest with his blades. Everyone turned. Berserker then forced the predator to his knee's. "You won't get away with this, Demon!"

Berserker then took off his mask. He roared and a large tongue shot out and it sucked the life out of the predator. Berserker turned to me expecting some sort of bad reaction. I giggled and clapped my hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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