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A person can be a home my home is my boyfriend Mark. I open to door to see Mark.

I jump in his arms and he spins me around. The relationship has been rocky because I caught him cheating. Last week I went over to his place(we hardly go there) opened the door and there were both their clothes on the floor.

We haven't had sex in months. So he got his fix. He told me if I wanted to cheat, I could too just to make it even between us. I don't get his dumb ass. He begged me for two weeks to taks his cheating ass out.

We walk into the gated living room the toys thrown about. I pick the kids up for nap time. I need one too if I have to deal with Mark's whinny ass. I am surprised I am still with him. He is my high school sweetheart. I am just used to him being around. He is the Alpha's best friend.

His best friend is my mate but Mark is a human. He doesn't know about us. Pack law states to not tell humans who and what we really are.

To keep a secret like that for a long time is hard. Especially when you want to be honest. How am I going to deal with him and my mate? What the hell can I do? Why me? So many questions fill my brain as I play with the large legos with the kids. The kids are having so much fun and you can see how much joy is on their face. The kids are now playing with a invisible finger paint that only shows colour when hitting the special paper. It's honestly super cool.

I join in on the finger painting fun and draw a heart on both of their pages.

How do I tell one jerk about another jerk???

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