Stuck On You

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It's been three days since my confrontation with the Alpha. Finding out I am his long lost mate. The Alpha is in his early thirties. He is ten years older then me. He is honestly so sexy. Like roll around on the floor because he is so hot he could burn my house down.

"Alexandra?" My boyfriend asks, trying to get my attention. Mark is a basic white boy. Everything about him screams it. Saggy jeans even though he wears a knock off Gucci belt. White tang top so you can see his boney arms. He is a tooth pick.

"What?" I ask.

"I think we should see different people. We are not like we used to be. I feel as though we have drifted apart." He says this and I feel a big weight lifted off my shoulders. I want to jump for joy. I love that this relationship is over. I just didn't have the heart to break up with him. I felt stuck like glue.

"I think that will be best." I announce and he just shrugs his shoulders.

"I will always love you Alex. You know that right. You mean the world to me even though we are not together." I nod as he says this a single tear falls down the right side of my face.

I walk him to the door and we hug goodbye. Finally getting rid of him from my personal life. I sort of feel free. I don't have to worry about him like I always do. I have a hot mate. I could ask him out if only we exchanged numbers. Maybe I can pull up at his house but I don't want to seem like a stalker. But I really want to see him again. I grab my car keys ready to drive to the mansion.

Not Your FaultNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ