Chapter 8: The Line

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Riding the ferris wheel, as two teenagers with just the two of them and with the view of the cityscapes... sounds like such a romantic idea!

Which is why Ivy was quick to reject it.

"What? No!"

And for some reason, Luke didn't seem to understand why she did so.

"Why not?" he asked, his pure eyes radiating with that same innocence it always did when he wasn't being mischievous. "We can see the city from up there!... Don't you want to see it?"

But... On the other hand, Luke also had a point.

Ivy did want to see the view. And seeing how it was already getting dark, it seemed to be the perfect time to ride the ferris wheel for a look at the city.

"... Fine." That was all she had to say. She didn't say anything more as she just let the boy lead her to the ferris wheel.

But it was full. And there was a long line leading up to it.

When Ivy and Luke got to the ride, their faces dropped. Particularly Luke. He might have been the most excited, but then they were met with an unfortunate circumstance.

Sure, it was a weekday. That would mean there would be less people. But it was already evening, and with the amount of schools in the vicinity of this amusement park, there was bound to be a lot of students coming here...

Particularly, couples.

"Oh... Oh, that's too bad." Ivy, clearly, wasn't too disappointed as she looked at the long line before them. Not even surprised to see all the couples either since it's what she predicted. "Well, I guess that leaves us no choice but to go home."

Luke sighed audibly in response. His shoulders dropped, and he turned to Ivy with a defeated smile. "Yeah, I guess you have a point. Wouldn't want to get in trouble for passing the curfew again." He paused, and then he looked ahead as a small smile formed on his face yet again. "So... Walk you home again?"

Not like Ivy had a choice. No matter what she did, Luke's stubbornness would eventually win... again.

In the end, however, he also managed to convince her to drop by his house first.

And that, would be the first time she would get a hint of who he really was.


"Luke? You're home late again?" A woman's scolding voice was the first to greet the two teens when the boy opened the door.

Luke jerked in response, and shortly after, he laughed nervously as he turned to face who was talking, and Ivy peeked from behind him to see who it was.

It was a woman in her 40s. Dark hair, and sophisticated clothing. She had obviously aged gracefully, but what Ivy noted most was that Luke looked like her.

"Oh... This must be..."

"Mom! I didn't know you were there..." Luke didn't even look scared, though. He just looked like he was embarrassed he got caught. And to that, Ivy didn't look at all impressed.

"Ah... no wonder he's so stubborn," she thought to herself as she looked at him. And then she felt a different pair of eyes on her, and she looked up to meet the eyes of the boy's mother. "Oh... G-good evening, ma'am. I'm–" All of a sudden, Ivy paused when she realized what she was about to say.

Not that there would be any harm in saying that she was Luke's friend, but... Then again, isn't that what they really are now?

"What is it, dearie? Go on ahead. Don't be shy." The woman encouraged her. At the same time, Luke also turned to her, looking at her expectantly.

Ivy gulped before she finally continued her introduction. "I'm Ivy... Luke's friend." For a quick second, she turned her gaze towards Luke, only to find the boy's smile turning bright as he looked at her.

He was shining again. But even more than usual now. Maybe he really did appreciate Ivy being his friend.

That exact thought brought a small smile to Ivy's lips, and drew a quiet chuckle out of her, before she finally looked back to Luke's mother.

The woman also seemed pleased to have her. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Ivy... I hope you don't mind staying for dinner?"

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