Chapter 9: The Secret

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It couldn't be helped, anyway. And it always came naturally. Once one enters another's home, they're bound to know more about that other person.

Except, what Ivy found out, was only bound to confuse her more than clarify things for her.

She was sitting and waiting quietly in the living room of Luke's home, when she heard what seemed to be an argument from the room right next to the one she was in. She could recognize the voices: Luke and his mother.

"I get it. You want to make the most of your time, but just because that's the case doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want!" It came in harsh whispers. But they were loud enough, that it penetrated through the walls and reached Ivy's hearing range.

"Mom... If this is about Ivy–"

"Think of how she'll feel once she finds out! Do you even know if she has anyone else? Where her family is?"

Luke was silent. Ivy couldn't tell, however, if that really meant he had nothing to say or if he said something that she just couldn't hear. And then she heard the door open shortly after, and she looked up to see Luke's mother stepping out with a smile on her face.

"Well. You must be hungry after waiting for so long. Let's have dinner now, shall we?"


Ivy never got to ask what that conversation was about.

But then again, not like it would be normal if she asked, nor would it be nice, since it would clearly mean that she had been eavesdropping.

"Sorry," Luke suddenly spoke on their way to Ivy's apartment. His tone was quiet, and he seemed really apologetic about something. Ivy's brows rose as she turned to him, wondering what it could be that he's apologizing for...

Could it be because of his argument with his mother? Does he know that she heard?

But then he continued, and it was not what Ivy had expected to come out of his mouth.

"You're coming home late again because of me," was what Luke said next as he looked towards his feet while they continued walking. It was an odd sight. The usually hyper and enthusiastic boy was suddenly being so apologetic. And it gave Ivy the impression that something was definitely wrong.

She forgot all about the probable accusations she could get as she finally asked.

"Luke... what was it that you and your mother were talking about before dinner?" When she asked, she had expected a gasp to come out of the boy, or an offended expression to pop out. Or just... anything.

Luke remained quiet as he suddenly stopped walking. Ivy did the same shortly after before turning to look back at the boy that had suddenly gotten quiet.

Then he smiled. But it wasn't like the usual cheerful one he wore. This one was calmer, simpler, yet more secretive as he looked at her. "... I'll explain when the time comes. For now..." He tilted his head to look past Ivy, towards the path they still have to walk to get her to her apartment. "Let's get you home, yeah?"

The aura he gave off suddenly felt closed-off. And cold. Ivy guessed it must mean that he should no longer be questioned. So, she nodded with a small smile, and Luke resumed walking. Ivy did the same as soon as he reached her.

"By the way... our school's sports fest will be happening soon. Any plans on joining any of the events?" Casually, Luke suddenly changed the topic, bringing back his friendly tone.

"Not really. How 'bout you?" Ivy asked, her eyes and mind somewhere else, even as Luke gave his answer.

"None, either. I don't think I can join any of them, anyway." He paused, expecting Ivy to give him one of her questions again. But when she didn't, he looked to her to see that she is indeed still thinking of something else. His lips pursed at the thought of her still being bothered by his inability to answer her previous question.

But then again, he couldn't help but bring this upon himself. It was his own decision, after all, to bring her to his home. And that was bound to cause suspicions, since he knew his mother was bound to react that way, too.

She was just worried, of course. He understood that. Just that...

His brows furrowed, and a quiet sigh left his lips as he stared at Ivy. And then a thought occured to him.

"Hey," he spoke up, calling the girl's attention. He was successful, as Ivy turned to him with her brows raised in curiosity, and he smiled again — his usual cheerful smile — as he continued speaking. "You up for some ice cream?"

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