About The Victim

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"Tekeshi Hiramura, shame, a fine Agent.", said The Admiral. " Was he on ANY cases, currently?", 

asked Sakamoto. " None comes to mind.", he replied. 

Sakamoto walked into the Office Space, as Elda looked up from her computer. " Sakamoto, 

a 'Witch' from The Imperial Army, has footage.", she said. " When is coming?" 

" I am, Tomomi Nishisugi. I have 'footage' for you." " Answers my question. *laughs*", 

said Sakamoto. 

'I and several other Air Witches were given body cameras, from Earth Alpha, to record our

training and sorties. I happen to be flying over the area and witnessed and recorded the 


" What exactly, did you see?", asked Sakamoto. " Someone, a 'woman' I think, by the long hair, 

was on a motorcycle and dark visored helmet with a leather jacket, and 'patch' I never seen

before.", replied Tomomi. " Was it a 'club' insignia, a company trademark?", asked Elda.

" More of a flag.", replied Tomomi. " If we shown you various flags, could you pick out the one 

you seen?", asked Koito. Tomomi nodded. 

Various ones was shown and.., " Stop! Right there, that one, on the left shoulder.", she said.

" Someone, tell Koyuzu, to get our witnesses.", said Sakamoto. The 'flag patch', was of the

'Sedarian Rose Knights', on the screen.  

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