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The Team races to the hotel. " Got a BOLO out.", said Koito. " Remember, watch yourselves. We 

do not know, what 'other' skills Suma picked up." , said Sakamoto. 

They seen her ride off from the parking lot. Sakamoto turned on the Red and Blues. 

Suma looked behind her, pulled out her snubnose, and fired. The bullet went through the hood,

console, and barely missed Hinawari and Elda. " Armor penetrating rounds. Now, I'm angry.", 

said Sakamoto. Suma was riding trying to weave her way through traffic.Motorists, 

got out of the way, of the NCIS Suburban. " This girl is 'nuts'.", said Koito. " Or,

doesn't know, we DON'T give up.", said Sakamoto. Suma looked behind her, and her 

pursuers. She looked ahead at a car, coming to her. She made too sharp a turn, and

fell her bike. NCIS, pulled up to her, and stopped. Sakamoto and the team got out, 

ARs ready. "Ceceil Suma, put your gun down!", commanded Sakamoto. 

The Sedarian, turned ready to fire. But, NCIS beat her to it. 


" Suma used a 'paid' informant, and killed him, after she gotten the information on you.", said 

Sakamoto. " So, this was 'revenge'.", said Pina. " Looks like, it.", said Koito. " Hiramura knew of 

the 'incident', investigated it, and found out. He possibly tried to warn you, but Suma got

him before.", said Koito. " Princess, don't blame yourself. You were right, Suma was TOO 

dangerous.", said Sakamoto. 

Pina went back to the room to check, for anything, and..., 

Pina Co Lada returned, with 'Ferret' on leash and harness. " Seems, you have a 

'new' loyal pet.", said The Emperor. " Indeed. This little one, seems to 'like' me.", said 



" I don't understand. What could make Suma, so 'dangerous'?", asked Koito. 

" I guess, 'conflict' can be 'addicting' as a 'narcotic'.", replied Sakamoto. 



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