30 years Later

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It's been thirty years since my aunts were brought back from the dead and were defeated by my dear friends, the Dennisons.The spell was lifted and Thackery and I were able to see the world like we always wanted.
Since we're both immortal, we could go anywhere at will in the world. I still had my magical so I could transport us wherever we wanted to go.
Sometimes, we were questioned by wondering people because of how young we appeared. We still looked like teenagers, but Thackery was three hundred and eighteen, and I was three hundred and seventeen.
Never in my wildest dreams would I think I would be immortal and that my family would be a coven of witches.
Here's something I never mentioned in my last story: my father, Thomas Sanderson, was the youngest brother of my aunts. It was rare for men to take on the powers of a witch, in this case a warlock, so he's never mentioned in legends. Father never dabbled in dark forces because he wanted to help the world, not harm it. That's the reason why he was disowned by my grandmother and never spoken of by my aunts.
After I was born in England, my parents discovered I had magic just like the Sanderson's before me, they were both proud and concerned about my abilities; and they had every right to be afraid. If the Sanderson Sisters were to somehow find out, then I would be done for. They knew where I was and that was that.
As a result of my father's legacy, I was able to carry on the Sanderson bloodline.
After everything ended, Max and Allison were married and had a daughter named Poppy. As a lawyer, Dani achieved success and married a kindhearted gentleman named Jack. It made me happy to know that all of my friends were living happy and fulfilling lives.
Additionally, I was grateful that I was able to live forever with Thackery. We were given a second chance at life.
Little did we know, circumstances would bring us back to Salem and my evil aunts would return.

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