CH 21: A Declaration of War

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The morning sun sat peacefully in the sky, it's soft, golden light bathing the world on the morning of the much-anticipated Sports Festival. The grass around Kosuke glistened with the remnants of an early spring frost. A gentle breeze whispered through the surrounding vegetation, causing it to sway.

Kosuke, now dressed in his PE uniform, sought refuge at one of the many benches that bordered the bus waiting area. He sat there, immersed in his thoughts, his mind a labyrinth of concern and uncertainty.

"A mere touch on my shoulder, and my composure shattered." His mind drifted to the disturbing vision implanted by the Masked Man – an image of himself forcibly stealing a hero's power. Yet, in reality, it was Iida gazing into Kosuke's eyes, demanding an answer to the haunting question, 'why?'

Shaking his head to break free from the disquieting reverie, he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Damn it all... Why today? Why now of of all times..."

He sighs. "No matter. I have no choice but to endure until the festival concludes. I can't allow this to hinder my performance. I must be at my absolute best, or I'll risk falling behind."

His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the arrival of the buses. Their breaks emitted a faint, rhythmic squeak as they settled at the curb, beckoning with open doors.

A sudden chill in the air made Kosuke shiver as he stood. "At least the buses are early," he mused. "I should find a seat at the back and grab some rest before we reach the festival grounds. Perhaps a power nap will help soothe my mind."

With a sluggish gait, he made his way to the bus, where the male driver greeted him with a warm smile.

"Mornin'! Up and about early aren't cha? Excited for the Festival?" the driver inquired.

Kosuke responded with a small, appreciative smile despite his tired state, "Yes, I am." he said simply before making his way toward the back, by the right window. The extra cushioned seats cradled him, and he released a sigh of relief as he settled into their comforting embrace.

"There's still about eight minutes before the others arrive," he murmured, his eyelids growing heavy, "Better get some shut eye before it gets too noisy."

Nestled against the window, his head resting lightly against the glass, Kosuke began his journey into peaceful repose, escaping from the weight of his haunting visions if only momentarily.

After a while, a gentle rustling of fabric and a subtle shifting of weight disrupted Kosuke's slumber. He began to stir, eyelids flickering open just slightly. His bleary gaze landed on Shoto, who had taken a seat beside him.

Shoto cast a brief sidelong glance to Kosuke. "Get some rest. I'll wake you when we're there." he monotoned before redirecting his gaze forward.

"Thank you, Sho," Kosuke mumbled from his daze, his eyes wearily side-glancing the boy before letting his eyelids close, falling back into a deep sleep.

Within the confines of his dream, a hauntingly familiar scene played out, transporting Kosuke back to that ominous lab. Like the other times, he was alone, devoid of the pudgy doctor who had guided him before. And like in previous dreams, he was merely a passive observer, watching the events unfold from an external perspective. However, In this dream, Kosuke was not a child but his current age, dressed in his hero costume.

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