
14 1 0

Ares lupin
I woke up early today looking at the time realising that it was a weekend and decided to go back to sleep but suddenly I remembered what happened last night I shot up from my bed and started panicking about last night as I keep repeating "omg omg omg!!"almost yelling waking pansy as she shot up saying "what! Oh..what happen?" I replied her "sorry I just remembered something from last can go back to sleep.." pansy then gave a bruh look and said "I can't sleep now you got me interested." Crossing her arms I groaned and rubbed my face with my hands and said "ok well uhhh so me and mattheo kinda did something..."pansy was shocked he use her hands to cover her mouth as she says "so you and and mattheo did you know..." I thought for awhile because he didn't really put it in my he just use his tongue and fingers so I don't think that's really sex. Then I replied "not really but now I don't know what are we are we together because for a moment I hated his guts then I liked him.I am just confused."pansy sat beside me and said "I am sure he likes you I mean would he really bring you to your room and kiss you I mean he did didn't he?" I sigh and reply "yea but-" pansy cut me off and said "exactly so maybe you should talk to him ask him where this relationship thing is going."I let out a long sigh and said "your right thank you." I turn to her and hug her.I then decided to get to the cafeteria,where I saw mattheo talking to the three boys I walked up to them and said "mattheo can I talked to you privately?" Mattheo then reply "uhhh sure." He face the boys and said "a moment boys."then I pulled mattheo's hand and brought him into an empty room and said "look I want to talk about what happened last night." Mattheo then cut in and say "uh yea I guess we should I get it if you don't want to talk about it anymore and act like strangers but I really like you ares and when you bumped into me I instantly liked you hopping I could see you again and here I am and I still get it if you don't feel the same but-" he was cut off by me as I said "mattheo I don't hate you I liked you too but I just want to confirm if we are dating because I don't want to be some sex toy ok so we are are dating?" Mattheo sigh as he cupped my cheek and Said "yea sweetheart." I looked at his big brown eyes then his lips when mattheo saw that he brought his lips To mine and i immediately kissed him back , we pulled back as I said "this is a public place I promise I will pay you back."then I pecked him on the cheek and left as mattheo followed behind her.
Pls vote this chapter wasn't much but you know anyway pls enjoy 🫵🏻

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