Chapter 1

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       When my mom told me that her and dad were getting divorced, my heart felt like it was being torn apart, besides everything else that was getting torn apart. Two homes, two beds, and two birthdays. Two of everything. Why even were they getting divorced? I asked my mom this morning and she wouldn't answer me. She just said, "Its for the best honey. Don't stress about it." But I was stressing about it. I was stressing a lot. I hoped that they weren't getting divorced because of me. They usually got into fights when I did something wrong. But not fighting because they don't like each other, just your typical parent fight. But it was because of me.
When I got to school the next day my friend was waiting for me at my locker. When I got there, she noticed my expression. "Whats the matter?" she asked. "Nothing" I responded. She looked at me skeptically. Clearly, she didn't believe me, but she didn't say anything more.
When I got to homeroom, I sat in my chair and waited for the bell to ring. I had math after this, and I was anxious because I had a test. I felt like I was going to explode. The test and my parent divorce was weighing on me. And I didn't know how my friend was going to react, if she found out. She was my only friend, and I was always nervous about her dropping me. I had always heard rumors about people dropping their friends because they where becoming popular. But I couldn't think about that now. My body shook, and I felt like vomiting. But I held it in.
When I got to class, my math teacher, Mr. B, passed out the tests. I wrote my name. My heart was beating so fast I felt like it would burst out of my chest. If I failed this, I would be a failure to my parents. I pushed the thought away. Okay. What's the first question? I looked at my paper. The question was 5(14)+5x7-14. I remembered learning this in class. I have to use the PEMDAS strategy. I did the first step, then the next step, and the next, until I completed the question. Then I did the next. When I completed the test, I turned it in to Mr. B. Then I went back to my seat and read my book. I was stressing about the test. My mom says I stress about everything, and she's not wrong. My grade in math was already a C. If I fail this test, then my grade could drop a lot. The bell disturbed her thoughts. I got my stuff and walked out of the class, heading to my locker. I opened my locker there was a note inside.
       It was labeled To: Scarlett.

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