Chapter 26

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Life can change in the blink of an eye, I just don't understand why somebody would of want to do this to prince, nobody really had any problem with him.but it hurts to see he is laying in the hospital bed fighting for his life.
"Everything gonna be ok "pops said rubbing my back as I cried,he the only one who haven't been showing emotions since last night
"Wassup " Dre came walking through the room door, Dre left to Georgia to handle business there, he barely come down unless he have to and right now we have to, he walked over to prince bed side, the looks on his face he was upset, he turned his head towards king, gave him a nod ,they went around telling everybody bye then left out
"I hope they don't do Nothing stupid "mama t said
"You know they is "I looked at prince and couldn't help but cry, its just all this shit happened so fast

"So what you got? " I asked my nigga twan, we met our 6th grade year ,nigga didn't have shit,always got bullied and shit like that,prince and I helped the nigga out and we been down ever since, he left and went to Cali while I handled business in Georgia and Prince was in Florida.
"Well what I have here it's some nigga name Mj who coming after us, he want revenge for some shit that happen when we was in fucking diapers "what the fuck? " be honest it's some shit that deal with King and Uncle Tay " King and Uncle Tay head snapped up
"What the fuck?"
"You remember that time when that business shit we did Went wrong? "
"Yea that's the time I Went missing for those 2years ,I didn't know Money had a jit "
"Well money jit came after your jit "
"Than Money and Mj gonna be with each other soon, aye Twan get a lead on Mj ,I want everything, from family member's, where he lay his head at and where all his traps at and get it back to me, I want this nigga gone ASAP "he nodded his head and continue typing on his laptop
"Alright for right now all i have is where this nigga be at every night, he be at that new club Royal "twan said
"He be there cause he owns it, he not gonna just be at a club every night for no reason"
"So we gotta move fast, everything is taking place Monday "I said
"That's only 3days from now "twan said
"Glad you know, but we gotta move fast, get the gang and start for war "I walked out the conference room, down to the big room
"AYE EVERYBODY LISTEN TH'S FUCK UP! "I stood on top of the table looking at everybody who gave me that attention "HALF OF Y'ALL KNOW ME HALF OF YALL DON'T,I'M DRE AND Y'ALL WILL BE LISTENING TO ME FOR NOW ON! "
"why? " some girl asked popping her gum
"Because i fucking said so, Anyways we have business to handle, everybody will be going into training starting tomorrow, we Only have 3days for all this shit" I look around the room looking at the confusing faces "if you don't like it you can leave ,once you leave you are on your own, so if somebody comes for you don't come running back understand? "
"Understand" they all said
"It's just not that fucking easy "Princess came walking inside the room "EVERYBODY BETTER BE HERE BRIGHT AND FUCKING EARLY 6 O'clock ON THE DOT, COME WITH WORK-OUT CLOTHES "she looked over to me and nodded her head
"Get back to work "

"Damian, I just want to tell you that I love you,I never stopped loving you, I wanna try and give us another chance it will be better for us, you my first everything first love,first kiss ,you even took my virginity "I said "you remember that time we had that full blown argument in school, for no reason "I laughed "all them hoes was excited thinking you was single but we was back cool by lunch time, Damian I-I really don't know what too say, I can't loose you, you the only person i have, besides our babies, but we been strong for 4years strong, I don't want us to end especially like this,wake up baby"I kissed him on his lips and looked At him one more time "this for you baby "
"Pr-princess "I turned around running back over to the bed
"Oh my gosh, baby "I kissed him all over his face ,I pressed the nurse button
"Glad you up "the doctor came walking Inside the room

"Everybody ready? " I asked as we was parked down the street from Mj trap house, I just wanna do these shit quick,so I can get over it, after we said out prayer ,we exit out the van, hiding behind the bushes, I watched how Princess walked Infront of the 2 gaurds distracting them ,as one of my boys and I went behind them snapping they necks
"Nice work "I said as we entered the trap, some went through the back some went through the front, shooting anybody they see In sight
"Aye boss We found him "I walked inside His office to see he was shot in the leg and tied up
"Get him and lets go "I said walking out "burn this building down to"

"You love your life? "I asked walking around him
"You sexy ass fuck, I would loved to get a piece of that ass "he grin, I slapped him
I leaned down eye level with him and said "you wouldnt get a piece of this if you was the last nigga on earth " i got up walking over to the table where all the tools At, picking up a knife "you came after my man, had in sitting in the hospital for some day's ,fighting for him life"I dragged the knife around His face "you had him suffering,so I'm go let you suffer "I said "you probably can meet your daddy In hell "I laughed.
"BITCH FUCK YOU! " He yelled, I slapped him with the butt of my gun
"Your turn "I walked over to the corner of the room as Dre walked to him
"I'm not gonna even kill him yet, I'm Go let prince handle that "he got the bleach spray bottle, spraying all His cuts as He screamed In pain
"Y'all come tie and lock him up "Dre said As we walked out

"How you feeling bruh ?"
"I'm straight, just ready to get out of here, they said i can leave tomorrow "he said looking at Princess the whole time
"You know what I'm go let y'all talk, but we handled that for you"I dapped him up, gave Princess a hug than left out
"Wassup ma, why you way over there "be honest with you, I'm a fool for Princess, she my everything i don't know what i would do without her "I heard everything what you said, so you giving me another chance? "
"Yea we can try it again "she smiled walking over by me
"You ready? "I asked prince as we parked infront of the trap
"Yea let's go "they release him a day early Because he was processing good, all he got is a cast on his arm,he expect me to help him out,he over exaggerating like he cripple
"WAKE UP BITCH "I slapped Mj with the butt of my gun
"Look at bitch as Damian "he laughed. "You know you have a fine ass girlfriend, I pictured myself all up in--- "
"Fuck you bitch" she slapped his ass "I should of been killed your ass but i was Waiting on prince, but he here now "she walked over to the table where all the tools at picking up a knife, I think she have a thing for cutting people "you know if you would Of just mind your own business and never came after prince you would of never been in this situation, but you are "she cut open his shirt, than trace the knife over his chest, as he yelled in pain
"Lets just end him already '' Dre cocked his gun back and I cocked mines as we aimed it towards his body
"Any last words? "Princess asked
"It's not over bitch "He said, and we started firing, ending him right than and there.

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