October 2023 - Interview with C.W. Sun

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AdultFiction Interview with C.W. Sun known as wildx22 on Wattpad.

Firstly can you give a brief description of yourself let's get to know the author behind the pages

I am a POC writer who was born in Taiwan, grew up in New Zealand and now live in Australia with my husband and toddler. Outside of my day-work as a lawyer, I enjoy writing sweet and steamy fantasy romance stories set in a fictional universe that blends the cultures of the East and West, which I see as a reflection of my own upbringing and background.

If you could become any character in any book, who and why?

I read the Song of the Lioness Quartet by Tamora Pierce when I was 11, and it was what got me into my love for fantasy books. Many years later, it is still one of my favourite series ever. I have always admired the strength, courage and tenaciousness of the main character, Alanna, and it would be absolutely amazing to be like her and experience all the fantasy, adventure and friendships she has had!

How long have you been actively writing on wattpad?

I started writing a little here and there on Wattpad from around 2014, though I was still primarily a reader. Unfortunately with my work commitments (when things get really busy I might spend weekends and nights working), every now and then I have to put my writing aside for a period of time, and it then takes me a while to get back into writing again. So, although I've been a writer on Wattpad for about 9 years overall, it has been very on and off.

What was the inspiration for your book Bride to the Cursed: a Snow White retelling ?

When I finished the prequel, Bride Behind the Mask, I thought I was done with writing. I was both surprised and honoured that so many readers on Wattpad asked for me to write spin-offs/sequels to that story. For me, one of the most interesting side characters in that story was the semi-antagonist, King Dane, so the idea came to find a way to "mess him up", let him suffer a bit and find his own happiness, lol.

What portion of the writing process was most enjoyable for you?

My favourite parts of the process are the initial brainstorming and writing the first handful of chapters. That's the stage when my mind is filled to the brim with new and exciting ideas, and I can't wait to put all those ideas on the page.

When was the ahah moment of the book idea coming to you?

[cannot recall!]

Which part of the book was the hardest for you to write?

Ugh, it's always the middle. I do not believe it's possible in any story to keep the excitement and action going continuously — there's always a bit of a lull somewhere. It's a challenge for writers to make sure that that lull is not too dragged out, and that every scene is still meaningful and interesting in some way, so that we do not lose readers half way through.

What was left out of the drafting stage?

I do not think I consciously left anything out of the drafting stage. Rather, there were times when I thought that my writing for a particular scene was far from perfect, but I forced the words out and posted it before I could regret it. After all, that's much better than sitting there spinning my wheels for days!

If you were a character in your story, which one would you be and why?

It's hard to identify myself with a single character in my story. I think I find myself in several characters: the lawyer in Cassie, the stubbornness in Dane, the bossiness in Madam Piper, the shrewdness in Lady Rivera and the silliness in Lord Rivera. I think creating characters that I find familiar (because they are all me, in different ways) helps to make them come to life on the page.

While writing this was there a point in which you experienced writers block or a wall and how did you overcome this?

Yes, definitely. Often, I'll take a bit of a break and take things at a slower pace, filling my spare time with reading good books. As I read, I often get inspired to write. Other times, I force my way through a writer's block by writing any random scene that comes to mind. It could be a scene that appears at a much later point of the story. It could be a scene that never even appears in the final draft. Whatever it is, once I get writing I will find my flow again.

What advice would you give to other writers who wish to try writing as well?

Read. Read a lot, particularly in the genres you want to write. Learn from what makes other works successful. Learn from the writing styles and techniques that you like, and make it into your own signature style.

Thank you so much for sharing this with us!


You can find our review of the story,  Bride of the Cursed, by clicking here.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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