Chapter One: What Is WICKED

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No Chuck, no Newt, no Alby, no Teresa. I'm on the other side of what seems to be our final Flat-Trans, but it doesn't seem like paradise to me. It's been awhile since we destroyed WICKED for good, at least a month, but something tells me that they are still up and running. We've searched and searched for some sort of food and water source, but all we've found is a small pond with no fish. But that's not our biggest problem. Minho is gone.

Our former keeper of the runners died of starvation three days ago, and the people who are still left (including me) are trying our best to adjust. Everyone seems to be relying on me now, and I honestly have no clue what to do. I'm supposed to address the eight people left, and tell them what my plan is, but I don't have one. We're just all screwed over, and there's no way we can save ourselves.

Hard to believe. I've known all of my fellow Gladers for who knows how long, and we've become like a family. We worked, we laughed, we fought, and we made the best out of every situation. The Maze and the Scorch were almost enjoyable because of our teamwork. We became closer then we have ever been with anyone else before (well... I did lose my memory, so I don't know for sure), but then everyone had to go and die. It had to be this way. We are the puppets of WICKED, and when one of us falls, the show must go on.

This is where my confusion gets the best of me. WICKED did help me find out who I was, even if it was kind of painful, but they also put me through all kinds of torture and pain. Is WICKED good or bad? I don't even know anymore. All I know is I have to address my friends who are left, and I honestly have no clue what to say. 

They wanted a plan, but I don't have one. Plans are overrated anyways.

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