Starring Odyssey (Chapter 1): Born from the stars

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"Run faster! We are close to catching him!"

"I'm not used to running such long miles! You could have given me some time to eat at least!"

Our story begins during a windy and cold night, among the vast valleys of grass, where the only thing to accompany the scenario are the trees and the starry night. The sound of the wind, which was the only thing to create a melody in this empty, but calm and beautiful environment, gets interrupted by the shouts of few people running through the valleys.

One Toad, far ahead of everyone, hiding himself with a white cloak and carrying a shiny bag, was running away from two other Toads, who were far behind him. They were both wearing police officer suits; you could say that they were indistinguishable if it wasn't for the patterns on their mushroom heads: one having yellow spots, while the others had blue spots. Looking closer, you would recognize them also by their small tag on their police outfits.

The yellow Toad was named "Mr. Yellow"

While the blue Toad was named "Mr. Blue"

You would also be able to deduce them apart from their constant expression and attitude. Speaking of which...

Mr. Yellow: "Can't we just call it a day and pretend that we have seen him too far to bother catching him? We have run for what it feels like 3 hours..."

Mr. Blue: "First: it has only been 3 minutes. Second: how the heck are you gonna tell to our major that the thief went right under our noses and escaped from his cell?"

Mr. Yellow: "...we were hungry?"

Mr. Blue: "Ah yes, we were hungry. Like the last time we "accidentally" let that roof collapse."

Mr. Yellow: "See? I'm so smart."

Then Mr. Blue responded with a "gentle pat" on Mr. Yellow's head; so gentle in fact that his mushroom head grew a bump. Impressively the hat was balanced on the bump and didn't fall off as they were running.

Mr. Blue: "All of this could have been avoided had you asked me for help."

Mr. Yellow: "Me??? I just asked you to take charge of controlling the thief, while I grabbed some snack."

Mr. Blue: "When did you even tell me that?"

Mr. Yellow: "Duh, I left a note on the desk!"

Mr. Blue: "...So you're telling me that instead of waiting for me or you approaching me, you just left your position JUST TO GRAB SOME SNACKS?!"

Mr. Yellow: "... I was hungry?"

While the two were blaming each other for letting the thief escape, he had already started going on a steep downhill.


As Mr. Blue was raising his fist, being too fed up with his colleague's carelessness, they suddenly felt a bright light coming in front of them that blinded them. The two, having reached the top of the steep, lost the balance and started rolling downwards. The thief Toad also got blinded while running downhill, even worse for him since he lost grip of the bag. The bag opened and several Power Up items got scattered around.

Suddenly the light vanished oit of nowhere, as if it was never then. Neither the two police Toads, nor the thief Toad understood what had happened. The thief Toad heard that they were approaching rapidly, so he had to do something quickly despite needing to recover his sight from that sudden light. His sudden instinct was to grab as many items as possible and run away and so he did. It didn't matter what he was grabbing, as long as it was valuable. When he heard the "gruntes" of the two Toads, finally reached the end of the steep and stopped rolling downwards, he quickly made a run as fast as possible, while still recovering his sight. He wasn't sure to have grabbed anything, but he felt like he grabbed some important items, among which the "Super Stars".

When both Mr. Yellow and Mr. Blue raised their heads from the ground, they were not able to see the thief anymore: it seemed he had successfully escaped from their clutches. Mr. Blue dammed himself for his unsuccessful attempt. A more optimistic Mr. Yellow, tried to tell him that it wasn't unsuccessful after all: the thief didn't manage to steal all the items he had stolen, as he wasn't able to grab them all before successfully escaping. Despite that, the two started arguing again as they grabbed the items.

Mr. Yellow: "Do you really have to bring this up again? Wow, you are such a buzz kill..."

Mr. Blue: "Whatever, just grab the rest and hope that he left the two Super Stars."

There were in fact, two lights coming from different parts of the steep. Mr. Blue reached the closest one and there it was: a Super Star. Mr. Yellow approached the further one and...

Mr. Yellow: "Blue?"

Mr. Blue: "Yea? What is it now?"

Mr. Yellow: "I think we have missed a Super Star."

Mr. Yellow's face seemed pallid as he said that. Mr. Blue was getting annoyed already by his behaviour and approached him.

Mr. Blue: "What the heck are you talking about? You can't be blind: the light source is right in front of you, the Super Star must-"

When Mr. Blue reached Mr. Yellow, he was finally able to see what his colleague has also stumbled upon. While not having a pallid face, he was also without words. They were both looking at a baby, emitting light from his body.

Mr. Yellow: "What is a baby doing here of all places?"

Mr. Blue: "Let me add: what is a HUMAN baby doing here of all places? I thought there weren't any humans in this land anymore... and what's with the light anyway?"

As the two began wondering about the existence of this baby, which started to lose its brightness, to the point of not emitting any, Mr. Blue picked the baby and told Mr. Yellow that it was time to go home. They picked already all the items that they had to pick and they wouldn't of course leave a baby alone in the middle of a windy night. Mr. Yellow then suddenly grabbed the baby from Mr. Blue's hands and asked:

Mr. Yellow: "What do you think, Blue? Is this baby a male or a femal-"

Not even having the time to finish his sentence that the little baby began to pee on top Mr. Blue's hat with his little "pee-pee".

Mr. Yellow: "Neat! He's a boy!"

Mr. Blue: "Go figure..."

The two began to head back to their town, with Mr. Blue carrying the baby and Mr. Yellow carrying the bag of the remaining items... as well as carrying a severe headache from the amount of bumps he received to his mushroom head. In the end, the two finally had one gasp of relax, as they saw from afar a sign of welcome of their home town:

Welcome to Hope Mangus village


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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