📖❤️‍🩹🧸 - " Life. "

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- Kevins POV . . .

TW: This chapter includes underage drinking, smoking, trauma/abuse, family problems, thoughts of and attempt at "sewerslide." If you are suffering in any of these cases, please seek help or comfort from a friend, close relative, [name] prevention hotlines, and/or therapy. <3

🇩🇴 - Kevin's POV . . .

Again, again, again, and again.

Over and over again, its always the same argument between them. It's always the argument who gets what and the threats are endless.





Suddenly, all I could hear was a blood curtiling scream with the sound of breaking glass. "MOM!" Younger me wouldn't understand what was going on at the time. Only panic was the thing that took over him. My mother on the ground, bleeding from her head, my father hovering over her with a broken wine bottle in hand, and me. Eleven year-old me, holding my mothers hand as my father was on the verge of killing us both. This time, the threat wasn't just a threat. It was a decision.

"I'm leaving."

My mother and I didn't care, we were just realived to finally hear the words we wanted to hear. Both of my parents are wealthy so we could live on our own. But if we were so wealthy, why couldn't we just leave? My dad was the problem, he controlled both of our actions and responsibilities. It wasn't easy. Neither was it now. My mother realized she would have to raise me, care for me, love me, pay for me, everything. All alone. Not like she hadn't been for the past decade.

But no love or care she gave me could fix me up. No matter what she did, my state of depression only got worse. I felt as if I was in an endless void with no floor to end my suffering. Nothing could work. School just adds to the problem. The bullies there are just complete total dickheads and don't leave me alone. They make fun of my scars, bruises, and eye bags just for fun. They know they can make me cry easily, I was such a little bitch back then. The counselors and administrators wouldn't do jackshit. They didn't care at all. Just for themselves they did though. The students health didn't matter to them.

That was my lowest, suicide had crossed my mind over and over again. To the point it got so bad, I fell into the urges and attempted.

9 years ago . . . TW: SUICIDE ATTEMPT.

I stepped up to the chair and put the rope around my neck. I pushed the chair and my airways immediately stopped working. I couldn't breathe nor could I see. My mother walked in on the situation and quickly rushed to me, taking the rope off my neck and quickly taking me into her arms, even she was sobbing. I had no emotion, that's until I felt her hand on my cheek, making me face her. We both sobbed so much that night.

Soon, I began to get an addiction to smoking. It still follows me slowly, even in my adult years. Not only that, I eventually developed a drinking problem. The wine and vodka my dad left got me curious and, sooner or later, got me hooked. I was put into rehab not too long later. Which didn't help at all.

In my high school years, nothing changed. Same bullies, same life, nothing. ever. changed. That's until I met my first love.


I thought I finally felt true love in my life. She was so kind and caring. She was my whole life and I'd do anything for her. Her black hair flowed like daises in the fields, her black dress flew along with. We were the couple that was talked about all around school, we were inseparable and so in love. She took care of my scars, black eyes, bruises, scratches, everything. Turns out she was just using me for fun, just another backstabbing whore. Her whole friend group, almost the whole school had planned it. I was just a game to play with at this point. I was so sick of it.

This wouldnt be the first nor last time something like this would happen. I had 3 more relationships after that, all were shit and didn't help with my mental state at all. All of those relationships didn't last long and they all used me for something. Life would just never get better.

My mom began to struggle with money so I needed to start looking for a job. Fortunately, I was good with guns and sniping. This could be useful somewhere. There was a vampire hunting job that paid good money and seemed easy. It was, thats until I met this annoying ass vampire. Just to make the situation better, his sister accompanied him. The first night I encountered them, they had kidnapped me and held me captive. Little did I know that meeting would change everything for me.

I'm now 22. Living with my mom, my 3 year-old son, and my wonderful boyfriend. (Xavier this part takes place in the present, not the future so he's [Henrys] not 13.) Standing in the field of the neaby sunflowers, my life was better then ever and I couldn't be ever more grateful. I was finally free. I could be myself again. My boyfriend,  Julian, came up behind me and reached for my hand. I gladly accepted and sighed.

"So what's next?"

"I dont know... Another kid?-"

"Absolutely not."

We both laughed and watched the sunrise. For one of the first times in my life, I felt true happiness.


i did not prof read cuz i am way too lazy so i apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes !!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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