Chapter 4

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          Cassian and Aaron were once again walking down the dirt road, following the compass.
          "Shouldn't we be searching for that criminal?" Aaron asked.
          "We will, when the land is cleared of the Scourges." Cassian said, staring intently at the compass. Suddenly, the two were transported into a large room, filled with bookshelves, Cyfrin's house.
          "What have you Two been up to?" Cyfrin asked from his floating armchair.
          "We have been clearing the Scourges." Cassian said, finally looking up. "Like I said we would."
          Cyfrin's chair floated downward and he stood. "Well, whatever you've been doing, I've been feeling it." The compass snapped to his hand. He looked down to examine it. "And two of the symbols are gone now." The book he'd found the picture in earlier appeared in his other hand, open to the page about the Scourges. "It would seem this book does not say anything about the importance of the Scourges." He looked up. "I can't say for certain whether this feeling is one of peace, or uncertainty. Are you sure you're supposed to be doing this?"
          "Of course, they are hurting people." Cassian said. "What more reason should there be?"
          "Be very careful." Cyfrin said sternly. "I have reason to believe this could be connected to something in my past. That you could be connected."
          "Can you tell us about it?" Aaron asked.
          "Not as much as you'd like." Cyfrin said, sitting down again. "The main point is that there's something I used to keep locked away that needs to stay locked away, and you need to help me make sure of it."
          "What is it?" Aaron asked.
          "That's not important." Cyfrin said, tossing the compass back to Cassian. "Just promise me that if you ever think for even a moment that she's breaking free, you let me know. ASAP." He raised his brow.
          "Of course." Cassian said. Cyfrin nodded, and Cassian and Aaron were transported back to the dirt road. Cassian turned to Aaron. "He knows something."
          "Yeah, but he won't tell us." Aaron said. "Maybe the one he's talking about is the same one the Scourges are talking about."
          "We need to make sure we talk to the last two Scourges properly."
          "I'll try and talk to him between our next transformation, but I wouldn't count on him listening."
          Cassian sighed. "I know." He said. "I'll figure something out."
          "Oi!" There was a voice from down the road. Cassian and Aaron turned to find a man standing there. He was bald, bulky, and had a crooked smile on his face. On his back was a bag that seemed to be full of something awfully heavy. "You guys got any cash on ya?" He asked.
          Cassian reached into Aaron's pocket and pulled out the wanted poster, unfolding it and holding it up. "Friend, fate has smiled upon us!" He shouted, as the picture was the same.
         "Yeah, I'm a wanted man." The man said. "Now, hand over all you got!" He balled up his fists.
         "What was his name again?" Aaron asked, completely ignoring him.
         "Says here his name is Thomas Nicholas Turner." Cassian said.
         The man snickered. "My friends call me TNT."
         The two looked up. "Why's that?" Aaron asked. Suddenly, the man ripped off one of his fingers and hurled it at them. As the figure flew toward them, they noticed that his knuckle was not bleeding, but seemed completely fine. The finger landed at their feet, and the two looked at one another. Then, without warning, the finger exploded, launching both of them back. TNT dropped his bag and dashed over to Aaron, pulling back his fist to punch him in the head, but Cassian grabbed his fist at the last second and flipped him over his head.
         "You messed with the wrong adventurers!" Cassian shouted.
         "Yeah!?" TNT shouted, flipping himself to his feet. "So far I'm not too impressed."
         Cassian pointed his sword at TNT. "You took from a village while they were unable to protect themselves. For that you must pay!"
         "Don't you mess me 'round." TNT said. "I'll win the fight."
         "Is it just me or does he talk funny?" Aaron asked.
         "I suppose I hadn't noticed." Cassian responded.
         "Right." Aaron said, lowering his brow.
         "Take this." Cassian offered the compass to Aaron, who took it, noticing the needle was beginning to wobble.
         "I think we're close." Aaron said as Cassian drew his sword and took off toward TNT. Cassian brought his sword down on TNT, who raised his hand, now full again, with the previously missing finger being a much darker shade than the rest of his skin. He clutched the blade and rolled to the side. Cassian followed him with his eyes, noticing that TNT's hand had not left his blade. He gasped as the hand exploded, a blast significantly grander than the finger's. TNT raised his arms, one of which now ended at his wrist.
          "I told you not to mess with me." He said, looking at the smoking grass. Cassian slowly stepped out of the smoke, a singed handprint on the blade of his sword.
          "I don't appreciate you damaging my equipment." Cassian said sternly.
           TNT smiled. "I've been looking for a good fight." He said, racing toward Cassian. He flicked his finger, the nail flying off toward Cassian, who held up his sword to block the small projectile. A small explosion fluttered his cape. TNT suddenly seemed to appear directly beside Cassian, clamping his hand around his wrist, then detaching it and jumping backward with a laugh.
          "Uh oh." Cassian said monotonously as TNT's hand exploded, causing his own hand to fall off, and the rest of him to stagger backward.
          TNT raised an eyebrow. "That's odd." He said. "What are you?"
          Cassian pulled himself to his feet and dusted himself off with his one hand. He cleared his throat, purely for dramatic effect considering he does not require breathing. "I do not know." He said heroically.
           TNT laughed and slapped his knee with his newly reformed hand. "What you mean you don't know?" He asked, wiping a tear away with the stump of his other arm.
           "We are on a quest to find out who I am." Cassian said, reattaching his hand. "And you are in our way at the moment."
           Aaron continued to follow the compass, which led to a nearby graveyard. "Hey, I think we're here!" He shouted. "You need help?" He asked, looking back.
           "Let's wrap this up!" TNT shouted, taking off toward Cassian. He dove toward him and wrapped his arms around his waist and tackled him to the ground. He pulled off his entire arm and placed it onto Cassian's chest with a maniacal laugh. He then stood quickly and attempted to flee, but was tripped by Cassian grabbing his ankle.
          "Not so fast!" Cassian shouted. "I'm not through with you!" TNT gasped as the arm exploded, filling the air with dirt and dust.
          Aaron sighed and walked over, staring into the crater, which, after the dust cleared, he could see was filled with rubble, stone brick rubble, not too far under the topsoil. He turned back toward the graveyard, seeing a small structure in the middle with a door. He sighed. "Must be a catacomb." He looked back at the crater, which was not exactly close to the entrance to the underground maze. "This may take a while." He said, lowering his brow. He placed his hands in his pockets and headed back toward the graveyard. "Don't worry, buddy, I'll find you."

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