Chapter 6

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Cassian and War locked blades, War smiling ecstatically.
"This is exactly how I imagined it!" War shouted. "You haven't changed a bit! Though, I seem to remember you having a face before."
"Shut up!" Cassian shouted, pushing War's spear out of the way and taking a swing at him. War raised his shield to block the strike.
"I seem to remember you asking my kin for answers about your past." War said. "Aren't you still interested?"
"No." Cassian replied.
"What's changed?" War asked, holding back Cassian's sword.
"I have." Cassian replied. With all his might, he pushed his sword against War's spear, cutting straight through the shaft, and leaving a long scrape across his chestplate.
War grinned. "I like the way you play." He rapidly swung the half of his spear with the head against Cassian's sword, knocking it outside of his hand. Cassian growled and launched himself at War.

"Something is wrong with Cass." Aaron said.
"Yeah, he's a floating suit of armor." Denzel replied. "He's bound to be a little weird."
"No, something else." Aaron said, lowering his brow. "Something from his past. It's like it's taking over him again."
"What is 'it?'"
"I'm not sure. That's what we've been trying to figure out."
"How bout I go beat it out of him?" Denze asked with a grin.
"Because he's my friend." Aaron retorted. "We can't fight him."
"You can't fight him, but I can!" He leaned forward.
"Why do you always insist on fighting everything all of the time?!" Aaron shouted, leaning in as well.
"Because that's what I was made for!" Denzel replied, growing irritated.
"No one was created solely for fighting!" Aaron shouted. "That's stupid. You pick your own path!"
"Well I haven't gotten to pick my own path!" Denzel shoved Aaron back. "I'm forced to follow your path!" He jammed his finger into Aaron's chest.
Aaron sighed. "You're right." He said. "I'm sorry." He thought for a moment before shaking his head. "Look, we can talk about this later. Right now, Cassian needs our help."
"What do you want me to do about it?" Denzel asked, crossing his arms.
"I need you to be less..... you."
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
"I need you to show compassion, while also fighting." Aaron said.
Denzel frowned. "I don't know how to do that."
"Maybe I could guide you." Aaron said. "I'll tell you what to say now, and you repeat it out there."
"I'm not gonna remember all that." Denzel said, lowering his brow.
"Ok, what about this?" Aaron asked. "Sometimes, you can hear me talk, even when I'm out there, and you're in here. Maybe it can work both ways."
"It isn't sometimes." Denzel responded. "I can always hear you." He said, looking off into the distance. "But you can never hear me." He sighed. "Not unless we're like this."
Aaron's brow rose. "Oh, I'm sorry." He said. "I, I didn't know." He followed Denzel's gaze into the darkness.
"Almost as long as I can remember, I heard what you heard, saw what you saw." Denzel said. "But you never listened."
"I'm, I'm sorry, Denzel." Aaron said softly. "I didn't know you went through that."
"Course you didn't." Denzel retorted.
"Maybe we can work something out later, where you can have your own life." Aaron said. "But right now, Cassian needs our help."
Denzel looked back at Aaron. "Promise?" He asked.
Aaron smiled and nodded, extending his hand. "Promise." He said. Denzel smiled and shook his brother's hand.
"Alright." He said. "Just tell me what to say. I'll hear you."
"How will I hear you?" Aaron asked. "You said I couldn't before. I've never been in here for more than a few minutes before."
"I've been stuck in here a long time." Denzel said. "I've picked up a few tricks." He pointed to his left. "Eyes are over there, if you didn't know."
"I know." Aaron said. "I catch glimpses of your fights sometimes. It takes a lot of focus."
"Well, make sure you pay attention to this one." Denzel said. "If you focus enough, you might just be able to hear me, but that took me a lot of practice."
"Got it." Aaron said. "Just, don't hurt him."
"He's made of metal, he'll be fine."
"I'm serious." Aaron said, raising his brow. "Understand?"
Denzel grinned and began walking away. "Yeah, yeah. I promise." And with that, he disappeared in a spiral of flame. Aaron turned to where Denzel had pointed earlier, focusing as hard as he could. After a few moments, he could see hazily out of Denzel's eyes.

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