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Ryan and All of the boys (- Justin)
This is about Age regression. Age regression is when someone slips into a younger state of mind when stressed or to help with mental health and more. (You can search for more stuff)
Fluff ~ 💗

Summary: On a Tuesday evening, while Justin is away visiting his mom, Ryan, who is an age regressor, receives devastating news of his mother's passing. Overwhelmed with grief, he regresses into a younger state, seeking support from Justin. Unable to physically be there, Justin guides Ryan through the regression, enlisting the help of their friend Darren, who is at the house. As Darren takes over caring for the regressed Ryan, the other friends return home, discovering the unexpected situation. Together, they provide a supportive environment, creating a bond that strengthens their friendship.

Ryan had age regression and since him and Justin were dating, he was the only one who knew (considering they're dating) and would help him and take care of him. It was a Tuesday evening and Justin was out visiting his mom till that Saturday so he wasn't there.

Ryan normally regresses less as possible and it happens about twice every month since they normally film videos once a week and he didn't want to risk the chances of regressing on a film day.

Ryan was strolling through TikTok before he got a call from his mother. His mother didn't really talk to him so he guessed that she just wanted to check on him. So when he answered, he was confused once he heard his fathers voice, quite dried and strained.

"Uhh, hey dad? Is there something wrong?"
"Uhm.." He coughs. "Yes, there actually is.."
Ryan wouldn't have ever been prepared to hear what his father was gonna say.
"Your mother.. uhm.. passed away last night."
Ryan felt as if his world was shattered.
"haha, im laughing! Great joke!...." Tears swelled in his eyes.
"Im not Ryan... I was as shocked as you. She left a note for you, would you want me to send it to you?"
"mhm" His voice was small, he shrunk in his chair, tears desperately willing to fall.
"I sent it to you. please don't beat yourself up, it was her time to go. I'll check up on you tomorrow ok?"
"Mhm.." the phone hung up.

In the dim glow of his room, Ryan quickly clutched the old photograph of his mother, its edges worn from the countless times he sought solace in its familiar embrace. Tears welled in his eyes, defying the stoicism he had so fiercely clung to over the years. The news of his mother's passing, delivered with a strained voice through the phone, had shattered his world.

His hands trembled as he whispered in the quiet solitude of his room, "Damn it." The unspoken grief echoed in his hoarse voice as he navigated the complex terrain of loss. The realization hit him like a tidal wave, leaving him gasping for breath amidst the wreckage of his emotions.

In the midst of his sobs, a distant echo of comfort reached him—the gentle caress of his mother's voice in his mind. "It's okay, my love," she seemed to say, a poignant reminder of the solace that now felt tragically out of reach. The pain etched across his face mirrored the ache in his heart as he grappled with the weight of the news.

Clutching his phone tightly, he dialed Justin's number, seeking refuge in the reassuring tone he knew so well. "Justin, I can't... I need you," he stammered, the childlike vulnerability creeping into his words with each passing moment.

Justin's voice, though physically distant, served as an anchor in the storm. "I'm here, buddy. You're not alone. Try to take deep breaths, okay?" But as Ryan attempted to respond, his sentences fragmented into gasps. The maturity he desperately tried to cling onto slipped through his fingers like sand, and he felt himself regressing further into a younger state.

Once the storm within him calmed, Justin gently inquired, "How old do you feel, bud?" His figure moved across the room, shutting the door in an attempt to create a semblance of privacy. The little one within Ryan contemplated the question before offering, "uhh thrwe." Today, it was neutral mode—a choice between neither smiley nor sad, but a delicate balance.

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