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Years have passed since me and you talked Siera.......many....
"Hey Nikole."
I turned my head towards the frekkle red haired girl.
"Yes Siera?"
"Promise me we will always be friends."I smiled towards her.

"I promise."She giggled at that and we continued to play with our dolls
Flashback ended
Now 16 years later you and I haven't keept the concat
I remmber we where fourth grade.

"Hey Siera!"Waving towards my bff she turned around and send me a warm smile.
"Oh hey Nikole."She was wearing her lucky hat with a sign "Artist for life."

"Siera are you hiding something?"
She shock her head while covering her hand.I grabbed it and wraped it only to see a bruise.

"Who did this?!"
Anger hit me right in the brain she stood there qouite and started to cry.Siera was always a fragile persone and would always broke down when you raise a voice.

"Sweety I'm so sorry."I hugged her and she stopped crying.

"I-I-Its ok."She smiled her eyes red and puffy as me and her went to math class.

When we sat down she looked at her nootebook with anime drawings.
Then that witch Fiona came.

"I told you to not come if you know what is good for you!!!"Nikole started to cry I had enough I got up and puched so hard Fiona that made her fall down.

"I don't want to ever see you hurt her again!"Fiona is a witch even today but she never quits.

"So you want to fight ej shorty?"I clenched my fist.
I don't remmber much of that fight but I know that Fiona stoped bulling Nikole after that and I got a call from the principle lucky me....

Flashback ended
Walking besides our favorite place the cold breez of winter cherising my face it brought memory's
"Hey Nikii!"I never liked that name but only my mother and Siera could call me that it reminded me of my father......not talking about him.

"Yap?"Asking her while preparing for a snowball fight.
"Do you I don't know....Ever think ablut love?"I stopped preparing I was in love but never liked talking about it.

"Yea....I do."She contined to draw in her's nootebook.

"I wish I know that feeling."She smiled towards me as I beggan throwing snowballs at my friend Mike.

Flashback ended
Now we weren't perfect friends I mean....nobody is know?
We had a huge fight over some dude that had bad influence on Siera she turned to smoking which is quite unusuall for a girl like her always seeing good optimistic.....

"I WASEN'T PLANING TO IT!!!"She slammed the door as she walked away.
2 days after I started looking for her when I found her besides the old abandone house crying.

"What do you want?"
I sat besides her and started my talk.
"He isin't good for you he never was but you will always be my friend."She smiled and hugged me.
Flashback ended
Now our last goodbye was around fall 24.
"So you are really going to Paris?"
She smiled.
"Yea but we won't break a concat right?"Now I was the one crying from inside and smiling from the outside.

Flashback ended
Now I walk besides the lake we haven't heard of each other in a while we both lied.......I got married found a job and what I have been hearing your carrier path is blooming.

I sat down a bench where I had a clear picture of the lake.
"Exscuse me but is this seat taken?"A red haired girl asked as she moved a strand of her hair.

"Suit yourself."She smiled a warm smile and sat down.
"So who are you waiting for?"Like she read my mind.

"Me?I'm not waiting for anybody.....Just thinking."
"About an old friend?"Again?
"Exscuse me but how do you know that?"

"While don't you remember me Nikki?"My eyes went wide as I hugged her.

"Siera I missed you."
"I missed you too."She hugged back.We spent our days talking but many things changed but one thing didn't oir friendship.

We lied to "always"stay in concat but we didn't lie that we will be friends......forever :)

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