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Hi my name is Riley and no I'm not a boy recently I have been really lonely...

"Riley what are you doing inside you should be outside."I turned to my mother.

"Mom tomorow is monday."
"Yes but you have been studying all day."
"Mom tomorow is a very important test."
"Riley you know you have only this week and the winter holidays begin."
"That is why I want to be free for the holiday."

She sighed and closed the door.Maybe I should take a break.

"OK!"She came back with a smile.

"Great!"We went as usually to the public library.

"I honestly don't understand my own daughter.....BRILLIANT!"

"How is that brilliant?"
"Well when I was your age my mom couldn't understand me!"

I sighed did she relised what she just said?But my mom is my mom the kindest persone in the world honestly she has done so much for me....

"Aha!"I said excited as I grabbed the hamlet book.

I smiled.
"What?I love Sheakspear."She rolled her eyes.

After couple of hours I returned the book.

"Yes sweety?"
"I would wish...To write my own book..."
"Wattpad start with that then when you increas your writing write a world best seller book."I smiled to her
"Where do I sign in?"

Hey guys so this is the part one of wattpad I'm not telling what will happen >~< also there will be four parts of it leave a comment if you enoyed this one :D.

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