Wattpad part two

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My mom gave me sign up sheet

I filled the forum with the username XxHamletxX(I made it up or maybe there is a username like this?)

"OK,you can read anything on this or write but no talking to strangers."

"Aye!Aye!Captain!"She smiled at me.

"Have fun."
I sat down and started to pick one of my favorite books.

Wow there are so many I picked (I will say the most favorite of my)
My art book because I love to see what people draw
Just us a romance book
Facts about pisces because I lpve to see the facts about me
Poems I love to calm my soul once in a while and last but not least!

Hamlet....Its not the original but some girl with the username NatureGirl(again sorry if its your username) wrote it.

You can vote,comment or even add to the reading list story's.

She mentioned in her bio that her name is Dona(again sorry),

I decided to send her s message but secretly.

"I love your book!Really briliant :)."

>>>>NatureGirl is writing.....
"Thanks :)"

I got a little heart attack since I never talked to a complet stranger

I decided to type back
"So you like hamlet?"

>>>NatureGirl is writing.....
"I don't like it I LOVE IT!"

"HEY ME TOO ITS one of my fav from Shakespear."

"OMG!Do you like romeo and juliet?"

"Not much but its a cool story I don't like it because of the death scene."

"Me too :( its so sad."

"The names Dona btw."
"By the way xD."
"Oh hahabah..."

"So what is yours?"
I hestitated for the moment

"Are you a boy?"
"No girl."
"Well nice to meet you Riley I'm 17."

Wow she is older than me

There was silence.

"This is akward considering I'm older than you O_O."

"No worrys I have a best friend that is 13 xD."

"Hahahahha."And so that is how the convorsation goes as I found out that she is my next door neighbour what a coincedence.

"Man we litterly live next ti each other and we didn't know about each other."

"Opps xD."

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