// October 21st - Heavy Breaths and Blocked Doors //

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Originally, I hadn't any plans for a scenario today and even published another, now deleted chapter, stating as much. But, one thing I've been trying to do for this year's book, is posting when I'm genuinely inspired.
And so, after reading a more mature manga(To put it plainly, it's an *~adult manga~*, but it's horror and urban legend-based), it gave me an idea that I thought could be interesting.


The scenario is meant to begin creepy/unnerving, and have an uneasy feeling, more or less so it genuinely feels like something out of a scary movie at first.
The scenario can become more tame/loving later on, but the beginning will start out on a creepy note to better suit the idea.


Mortal Kombat

I usually try to leave my ideas up to choice, be it for Fandom or LI, but I figured MK fit this idea best.


My idea for this is more or less a multiship where Kiku would interact with her different LIs. This can include OCs as well if you'd like since this scenario doesn't begin oriented on romance, but more on obsession, and all the other creepy shit that comes with that.


My idea for this would fit into the fact that Kano, and most in the Black Dragons, would do just about anything for money, pleasure, fun, etc.

How does this fit into my idea? Well, what if Kiku was kidnapped and brought to the Black Dragon fight club?
Why she was kidnapped could be up to you. Maybe it's due to someone having a sick infatuation for her, the urge to see someone who's obviously not a fighter squirm and struggle, etc...

She wakes up, having been knocked unconscious, and finds that she isn't tied up, and starts to investigate her surroundings. Though due to being completely unfamiliar with where she is, she obviously can't pinpoint where she is, or even garner a vague idea.
Soon enough, she exits the room she was in(And perhaps this was intended), and finds herself startled by the violent environment she's in.

And this is where the scenario would finally begin.

Kiku tries to find an escape route, but every single route ends up being blocked off by those at the club who have become most interested in her(Perhaps they are all working together, or having even been who orchestrated why she ended up there to begin with).

So, the scenario would explore her various interactions with the characters you choose to portray.
A big focus on these interactions would be just how creepy and intimidating they would begin as, and how unnerved Kiku would be.
So basically, you have free range to have fun with this and the characters you play. Feel free to make Kiku squirm as you please, since this scenario is supposed to start out as eerie and become tame later on.


Anyway, I hope this scenario is interesting! I know the premise is likely a bit odd, but I thought it made for a good horror vibe.

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