// October 28th - Desperation - *Published Early* //

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At first, I didn't really have anything planned for today, but I suddenly remembered Killing Stalking and thought it'd make a perfect dark scenario.

For reference, Killing Stalking is about a stalker who becomes obsessed with a man who's very popular and well-liked, and even more so after this man shows him kindness and protects him.
The stalker ends up sneaking into his home one day, and while *ahem* touching himself in the man's bedsheets and fantasizing, he begins hearing odd noises coming from the closet.
He finds a secret door leading to the basement, where he finds a woman tied up, beaten, and tortured.
The man he had become obsessed with was a serial killer(And more), and not the sweet man he believed him to be.
The killer comes home after being told by an officer that his cousin(The stalker claimed he was his cousin), was visiting his home. To save himself, the stalker admits to being obsessed/in love with him, which the killer decides to manipulate and use against him.
And this leads to him being held captive in the home, and only allowed to leave when with the man.
This is a basic synopsis since there's a lot more to the plot.


My idea inspired by this is that Kiku is in the role of a stalker/non-violent Yandere, who ends up in the same position. However, rather than *touching herself*, she just cuddles into his bedsheets and pillows, which leads to her hearing the noises that would lead to her ending up being held captive.
Like Yoon Bum, he would confess to her affection for the man, hoping it would save her life.

Unlike Sangwoon, Kiku's LI(This can be whatever fandom you want, MK*Which, paired with OCs has been the main thing I've been RPing, it's weirdly comforting*, Scream, OCs, etc)

For reference, in the manga, the killer(Sangwoo), is extremely psychotic. He enjoys the torture, humiliation, and worse he puts his victims through and is beyond sadistic and cruel. He'll kill anyone that he sees fit to kill, it has basically nothing to do with motive(Though some kills do seem more personal or to manipulate Yoon Bum), but for fun.
At one point, he forces a stepmother to choose between herself and her son(Because Sangwoo has mommy issues due to his own abuse), and he's surprised when the woman chooses her son's life repeatedly over her own, which leads to her dying.
He's extremely abusive to the stalker(Yoon Bum) and manipulates him into believing he loves him. One of the only reasons he even really keeps Yoon Bum around is because he reminds him of his mother.
He shows no remorse for his victims and merely takes pleasure in the pain he inflicts upon them.
When Yoon Bum is no longer useful to him, he attempts to kill him.
Yoon Bum has suffered through a life of abuse(Many types) and doesn't understand genuine love, something Sangwoo easily takes advantage of.
At one point, Sangwoo becomes paranoid that Yoon Bum is trying to leave him.
In the end, Sangwoo dies(And is cremated), and Yoon Bum is so dependent on him by that point that he hallucinates seeing Sangwoo(In a panel very similar to a beginning one), and runs into the street to chase him, while the crosswalk is about to turn to don't walk(Which possibly leads to him being ran over, but it's never shown and thus left open to speculation).

Anyways, the scenario would begin with Kiku being stuck in the home with the psychotic man, and having to deal with how dreadful he can be, all whilst she tries to earn pieces of his affection.

This scenario is allowed to be dark, especially at the beginning. It's close to Halloween, so everyone is entitled to one good scare, right? ;)


I hope this scenario is interesting at least a little! I decided to publish it early since it's nice when I get a little kick of inspiration to work with. <3

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