i. wake up & it's over, first version.

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Disclaimer / Author's Note

This was made for lighthearted (and entertainment) purposes only. This started as a joke. All characters used are inspired and based off of people. Some traits were also based on them. (ie. being flustered easily)

Thanks, and I hope you enjoy reading! ♡

> luriikairu



"You do not fucking dare say anything about what you found out."

"..That my however fucking long rival, Kier Grayson Sonnet, has a massive crush on me?"

"No!? Who the fuck told you that?!"


Kier and Gabriel had hated each other for what felt like forever- actually, since both of them got transferred into the same section. Both had made it clear about the hatred, and do not plan on changing soon.. Until it does.


This is Kier and Gabriel's hatred in a nutshell.

Ever since the time they got transferred into the same section, the competition already started. It seemed like normal happenings within the classroom, yet it had been noticed that one had contrasted with the other.

Kier being terrible at math? Gabriel was the polar opposite. The other who is almost pretty much good at major subjects? The other hates each one of them and is open about it. You get the point.

They also give smug looks when one has temporarily won over the other, such as the other having higher marks, better rankings, or just proving him wrong.

One evident thing they had in common is that they almost ended up having the same friends. So now, they ended up here forcibly.

For whatever reason, Kier loved making gay jokes, especially in front of Gabriel-just for the fun of it and to fuck with him. The hatred they had went from academic rivals to the academic being removed and just them taunting one another for their own satisfaction and benefit.

The taunting sometimes had a hint of flirting, much to Gabriel's attempt on messing with Kier as he knows he's straight.

But much to anyone's knowledge, he was not.

"Imagine being gay. Couldn't be me." Chayanne, Evan and Navi looked at him, faking the look of being offended. "You're the only one that's not gay here, dude. Shut the fuck up." Gabriel retorted. "..Is this supposed to be new information?" Navi asked.

"Oh no, I've made Mr. Faxon mad- go suck my dick, bitch."

"I could, but I won't."

Chayanne cleared her throat. "We. are. still. here. Go flirt when you're stuck in a bus in the dark or something, your PDA is filling up the atmosphere here."

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