Story 4 - The Rose Princess Parade Part 2

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Princess Aurora was all squeaky clean, and wearing a comfy rose patterned white gown. She was humming on the bed while brushing her hair. Francesca was arranging things at the vanity.

"Aurora, child" said King Stefan coming in.

"Did you hear that?" Aurora turned to Francesca, not understanding anything at all.

Stefan frowned, and muttered: "Let's try this again." Then aloud: "Rose? Child?"

"Yes, father?" asked Aurora.
"You know your name's really Aurora right? I simply called you" he said coming to her.
"Oh oh I know, just not used to it as an apellative, and referring to me. You know..."

"I know." he rubbed his temples, but then smiled to her. "You know Novelle right?"
"Blonde, white clothing, sometimes goes barefoot?"
"That's the one" Stefan smiled, breathing relieved.
"Well I saw her around the court, and I know she is sometimes sent on diplomatic roles, and she was your childhood friend that knows the fairies well. But beyond that, I don't know who is she. Is she a duchess? A business ambassador? What does she do?"

"She... breathes." Stefan looked annoyed to the ceiling. "She doesn't know what to do with her life, a duchess but of this castle that came with me that already tried Earth's range of jobs and activities to kill her time and find her purpose, ergo the sending away. But hey" he turned back smiling to his daughter "I have a solution"

"You do?" smiled Aurora
"Yes! You can help each other. She can help you with getting adjusted to royal life, in time for the princess parade. And you... Can give her something stable to do for a longer time. What do you say, how does it sound, hmm?"
"Lovely, I like it. Let me find her and I'll tell her-"
"Oh no no no no no. Hubert already seeked her and sends her, you'll meet halfway, so we won't waste time."

In the meantime, King Hubert saw Novelle sticking her finger in the soil, and then dropping a seed in. "Mistress Novelle" the king came.

 "Mistress Novelle" the king came

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"Hello Your Majesty." Hubert opened his mouth, but Novelle carried on: "Did you know I can plant two flowers at once? Maybe I can move on to three, if I spit the third seed-"

"Yes! That sounds about right!" he smiled. "Novelle, you do know your way with royalty, after all you saw your friend as prince then king your whole life."
"Yes, why? Oh, is it because I can be a duchess and a gardener at the same time great idea!" she beamed.

Hubert looked at her stunned for a second, then: "Yes, do what you think is the best for you child. But maybe because how umm... spunky and bubbly you are, and because we settled you know stuff, maybe you can give the princess good advice on how to be one? Like, now?"
"Sure" she said getting up. Then she put aside her tools, took of her gloves and apron and then went towards the castle. Then came back one second later: "Um, what princess?"
"The... Princess Aurora." Hubert replied bewildered. "Who else?"

"Well, be more specific Your Majesty! There are many princesses out there!" she lamented.

Stefan and Aurora looked struck. "He he he" Stefan laughed nervously "she'll teach you things and make you come around in no time!" Then he cleared his throat "Novelle"

"Hello, Stefy. And um...."

"Princess Aurora?" Stefan had to keep himself cool. "Really, you ought to know after so much time the name of your princess!" he gritted his teeth.
"Really? Cause the other day the green fairy called her Rose, and I didn't know what to think."

Aurora was amused. "Novelle, it's alright. The name I had in the forest was Briar Rose, or Rose, while I was reared by the fairies to keep me safe. But my real name that I go by now is Princess Aurora."

"So... How do I call you?"
Stefan facepalmed. Aurora stopped smiling. "However you want? It's fine either way."

"Alright, Princess Briar Aurora Rose!" she smiled. "What do you wanna know?" and they started walking.

"First, more about you." the princess asked
"Well, what is there? I'm one of the palace gardeners..."

"No, you're not." Stefan said from his place. "Last week you were a firefighter."

"Oh well I'm that too, thanks for reminding me Stefy!" and they got out Stefan and Hubert's hearing area.

"The craziest firefighter we have" Hubert smiled symphatetically.
"She's not anything Hubert!" Stefan said exasperated. "At least, not yet" he added quickly. "Why does she even need to do something concretedly? Does sitting around the castle and attending balls as a duchess really bores her that much? But if she wants to be, Aurora can find something for her in no time. They’re practically sisters!" he said not worried

Aurora told Novelle: "I guess I'm still pretty insecure about how to do royal stuff and when and what, having grown up in the middle of the woods for 16 years. Not to mention other stuff I will have to be worried about, like leading as a Queen. What advice can you give me?"

"Do whatever your heart tells you." Novelle said, and slowly started slipping away.
"Wait, Novelle. That's good and all, but nothing more concrete than that?"

"You know, I think I see a house on fire from afar, look at the smoke! Well, duty calls! Goodbye princess!" she waved.
"Wait!" Aurora called exasperated.
But Novelle was already gone.

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