Story 7 - Portraits Of Evil Part 1

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It was a very spooky time at the hills surrounding a manor. A flock of crows was in the trees, some took flight cawing. The trees had few leaves. The wind was howling. And the giant moon was shining in the dark sky with no stars.

But below, a happy looking troop dressed in funny costumes was carrying candy bags and trotting along smirking. They were going towards the manor on a pathway illuminated eerily.

"Isn't this exciting?" asked Aurora who was dressed as a squirrel. "When I was at the cottage I always wanted to go on the famous candy hunt each Late Villains Night!" Phillip was with her, he was dressed as King Stefan. Three tiny glowing balls of light also floated near her, green, blue and red.

"You know we couldn't let you back then, now you know why." tiny Fauna explained.
"But now that that awful witch is gone, you can go chase that dream!" Flora said.
"After all this is what Late Villains Night is all about. It’s a holiday celebrating the destruction of all the dark forces in the Leuer Lands. So everyone can get reminded every year what happens to anyone who gets any wrong idea in their heads on how to act" Merryweather huffed.

Stefan was as a royal guard, Leah as a indigo witch and Hubert as a count of death. "Ah, the candy hunt! I can't believe we let Aurora talk us into doing this! But I have to admit, it is kinda fun." Stefan said.
"And everyone gets to have fun tonight!" Leah said.

On the back of a black feline costume belonging to Tiffany, was a frightened puppy costume boy child who already had tears in his eyes and was squeaking. "Eeee mommy! I'm scared! Why did I come again?!!!"
"Because you wanted candy and bon bons, Sylvi honey. That's one way to get them." she smiled. "No one will get you, I promise"

"But why is it so dark?" he weeped.

"Until our fun is ruined by a certain someone" groaned Leah.

"Aw, why is this a holiday for everyone?" Stefan added as well.

"Do you suppose we'll run into m m m monsters, and g g g ghosts, and h h h h haunted houses?" Sylvian cried clinging onto his mother.

"Hey look!" came Novelle, wearing a white sheet/ghost costume. "There's one right there!" she pointed to the manor in front of them. There a thunder lighted the sky up for a second.

Sylvian let out a powerful scream, and started crying frantically.
"What’s wrong with him?" asked Phillip.

"Dude. Everyone comes here every year and nothing happens to them. Everyone who wants to, joins in the fun, including kids, little kids! Like those in front of you!" Novelle said.

A trio of kids younger than Sylvian were laughing pointing their fingers at him.

He growled and threatened them with his fist, but then he saw a spider.

"Spiders!!!!!" he wailed. "I hate spiders!!! Mommy save me!" then he shook her, she lost her balance and they fell in a mud puddle. Sylvian continued shrieking.

"Come on, let's avoid this" groaned Aurora, and the gang continued walking towards the manor. The little kids ran ahead, laughing.

They got first, climbed the stairs and knocked at the door.

The door opened in a mysterious manner. "It's a nightmare, it's a fright, shiver on on Late Villains Night!" they chanted, opening their bags.

The old lady put on her glasses, and took a look at them: "Oooh, and what delightful display we have here?"
"I'm an owl!"
"I'm a firefighter!"
"I'm a raven!"

"Oh I see." she smiled showing her one tooth. She looked frowning with as if she was blind and she was stuttering. "Well, let me reward you." Then she realized: "Oh dear. I must have forgotten my bowl of candy, oh my! I have to go back! Just one tiny second!" And she barely turned around in one second.

Aurora came with others, and Sylvian too. Tiffany said: "Look, there's nothing to be afraid of, see?"
"Yes!" Sylvian lit up. "It's just a puckered old lady." he laughed not afraid anymore. They got ahead.

Suddenly a voice said: "Grandma, what did I tell you about annual candy hunt visitors? I'll handle them, go back to your knitting" and a gothic, intimidating young woman showed up making Sylvian jump back in fear then he tripped and rolled on the stairs, falling down with a thud.

"Is this Ruby Heller's manor? Are you -" Aurora asked
"Yes, that would be me. Gone candy hunting I see" she said in a villainous voice, but she wasn't a villain, just a fan of them.

"Yes, we -" Aurora said.
"I have a far more delicious idea in my head. Would you like to stay over the night?"
They were surprised. "Real -"

"Great, then it's settled. This year I thought to spice things up, and I wouldn't even have thought you not accepting. This way, on the hallway of horrors. Let's see who resists the most without ripping their vocal chords or eyes out by morning" she joked macabrily. The children, who looked and aahed impressed this whole time, were the first to run in.

The rest came in for their own good, though they were struck. "What just happened?" asked King Stefan weakly.

Dream Desires Chapter 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora