Few days pt.2

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Her: Hey no bad words!!

Him: Are you people insane???

Her: No we are not but this is what it is. 

Him: But it's so bullshit!

Her: Do you have better idea??

Him: N..No
I mean-

Her: Then shut up.

Him: Ok fine but look our hands are tied how will we jump??
And more imp these windows are closed.

(The route got no people around so they can't ask for help).

(The route got no people around so they can't ask for help)

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Her: (took a key like object from her pocket)Look..

Her: (took a key like object from her pocket)Look

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Him: What??????
You have keys??

Her: Yahh someone made it out of iron piece.
I bet it took much time for 'em to make this but it is worth it after all.
This is not a perfect key but it is sufficient to open this cuffs and windows.
We got 2 keys like this, another is with him...

Guy: (took out his key)

Him: You people are so stupid!!
Let's just open our hand cuffs and break out.. 
Why to jump in water and do those crazy stuff???

Her: Sure let's just break out and fight to these trained fighters who got guns with our bare hands and the energy by this 'thing' which they call food..
Let's go..

He understood the situation and got silenced.

The time was flowing they were half sleep untill voice wake them up.

Guy: LOOK! There is a lake...
We will be on the bridge soon...
It's time to say bye guys..
Hope you will get off safe too..
Enjoyed being with you...

 Enjoyed being with you

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Her: Me too...
Get off safely...

Him: Take care bro...
Hope you will do well...

Guy then opened his hand cuffs and windows and hid the key nearby...

As they were above water he jumped...

Him: I hope he will be safe(scared)...

Her: He will be for sure...

Him: Hmm..

In no time they fall asleep

After few hours


It broke their sleep

They wake up to see a girl around their age crying on the same place where guy was earlier.

Her: Heyy don't cry..

Girl: I want to go back...
Th..These people kidnaped me...

Her: Shh..Shhh I know, everything will be alright...
Look, let me explain you..
(She explained who are they and how to escape)
Look near you there is a key..

Girl found it and looked so happy

Girl: Are you serious!??

Her: Yaa sure

Girl: Thanksss

Her: But look you have to tell this to the person who will come to our place..
After that you should escape..

Girl: What?

Her: Look we waited to escape so that we can help someone and it's you, now you should keep some patience too.
I know this is weird as hell but it is how it is...

Girl: Ok fine I will wait..

Him: So now it's our turn right??

Her: Yes..

Him: Yahhh I will find some place soon...
He started looking out of window to find place to jump from..

They prefer water contained place as it hurts less when they jump.

Everyone there was thinking about their families and friends but no one talked about it,\.

Everyone just wanted to get out asap,

Whenever they need to go washroom there was a guard with them to take them.

It was the only time they can stand or sit. 

Or else all they did was to lie down. 

After 2 days

It was night.

It was her turn to search for place to jump while he was resting.

She saw a river and waked him up.

Her: Hey WAKE UP!! Look there is river coming

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Her: Hey WAKE UP!!
Look there is river coming..
Get ready

Him: What where??

He looked out of window to find a river deep down a bridge on which they were going to be in few time.

He got scared but she opened handcuffs and window.

As they reached He was so terrified that he can't even move a muscle.

Her: JUMP!!!

She was screaming her lungs out but he didn't listened anything

The bridge passed and they lost their chance to escape....


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