Few days pt.5

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Him: I mean it is so cheap and near to India so me and my family can come here for vacations so it would be great to have a house here.

D: That's good but we need to leave today..
It's ok you can pay me later...

(His and her phones and luggage were left at station locker)

Him: It's not an issue, you got goggle pay right?

M: Yess

Him: Can I get your phone?

Kai: Sure

Kai gave his phone, he logged his goggle pay and with all process send money to them.

D: It's great child!

He gave papers of house and everything to him.

D: Look I know someone from town who can help you get back.
Look this house is few km from town you can reach there with this car or bike.

Kai took a box and gave to him

Kai: This is a gift from me(smiles).

It was a phone!

It was a phone!

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Him: What?

Lara: You have nothing but you will need this to survive least.
And don't worry this phone is already used by him, he got new so..

Kai: Yahh you little..

M: I kept some food in fridge and you can buy more from town..

D: Here this is address you can get help to go back without visa and these are some cash cause you can't use online payment everytime...

Him: Thank You very much...(eyes with tears of happiness)

D: Man we thank you...
You got burden off of selling them from us.

Kai: Yahh man dad was so stressed that it was not getting sold.

D: Sorry child but we need to leave now, our contact numbers are there, call us if you need any help.

Lara: Yahh byee broo will see you later..

Everyone bid farewell

Time passed

It was night

She was still sleeping in Lara's room..

He was in room near her waiting for her to wake up..

She woke up and saw him looking at her worried..

As soon as she open her eyes he came and..

Him: Are you feeling better?

He helped her sit..

Her: Yahh Thanks..

Tears fell from his eyes..

Her: Hey what happened?

Him: I ..I was scared..

Her: Don't worry I am not leaving so soon...

They laughed softly..

They were not so close earlier..

They couldn't even call themselves friends..

But these few days changed them..

They started caring for eachother..

Undefined bond was made..

Even though they never talked casually..

They know enough about eachother's habit, comforts etc...

Him: You must be hungry let me bring something..

Her: It's okay let me-

She tried to get up but fell,

He helped her stay still..

Him: Hey stay here..
You are not recovered yet..

He made her sit and went to get food..

She then started looking at room..

She was so amazed by it..

It was so beautiful..

Cold winds was making her skin relaxed..

She was admiring the place till he came,

With some delicious food with great smell..

Her: Am I in heaven!? Like look everything is just so pretty and now this awesome food!!!

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Her: Am I in heaven!?
Like look everything is just so pretty and now this awesome food!!!

Him:(Laughs softly) No..no this is not heaven but it is no less than that..
Have some food then I will tell you everything..

Her: Sure...

They had the finest! dinner after those food there...

He then explained her everything...

Her: Are you kidding me??
This is so dramatic..

Him: Really?
Cause last few days had more drama than this..

Her: Truee..
We are living some fictional story..

Him: Yahh..

Her: Hey!!! It's been a long time...
Our family and friends must be worrying about us! We need to contact them...

Him: Hey calm down.. calm down..
Look I called..


He tried calling his parents but it was not reachable

So then he called his friend(O)

O: Hello?

Him: Hey it's me..

O: You!! Where the hell are you??
You know we are...
Bro are you alright??

Him: Yahh don't worry I am alright..
How about you and my parents all of you are alright??

O: Yah we are..
And don't worry about uncle and aunt..
They called me that you didn't reached home..
So I told them you had some work so you can't make this vacation to them..
You know your parents right?
They get so freaked up..
So I didn't told them but I went to station and just found that you reached and your stuff was there..
Then I went to 'Q'(She is their friend and police officer too)
I told her and we were looking for you since then..
If you wouldn't found this week we were about to inform your parents..
Man you got us so...

Him: Man..(emotional) Everyone needs a friend like you..
Love you...
I will tell you everything but can you first tell me what's situation at her place?

O: Why? Are you are with HER!??

?Him: Yah it's a long story..
First just tell mee..

O: Man she is in a big Trouble!


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