Reconcile and sleeping under the night sky

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"So... how's it going?" I asked

"Oh I'm fantastic! Everyone has abandoned me and I'm left alone"

I took a deep breath and decided to try and connect with him.

"You know, you had asked me why I took the bullet for you. It's not because of what I said, it's because I think that you have a chance to change. I'd know cause I used to be just like you"

"What do you mean by that?" he asked

"I was always the youngest of my pack, never given much of a chance to prove my worth so I'd always be too full of pride to admit I needed help when it came to situation, and it caused me to get this"

I lifted my fur that was covering my right eye to reveal a scar over it.

"This always reminded me to never be afraid to ask for help or to never be too prideful. If I could change, then so can you. I know you can but you have to be the one to start the journey, you can start by apologizing to Marty for being overdramatic about this whole situation"

Alex just stayed there in silence, looking at the night sky ahead, I sighed but tried to keep talking to him.

"I'm going back, but consider joining us. I'd like for you to be there and I'm sure your friends would want that to"

Before I left, I gave him a small kiss on his check which seemed to snap him back into reality. I started walking back as he started to consider his options.

I entered the hut that Marty somehow managed to finish, even had time to make a mini bar.

"Dang, you work fast, not bad" I said

"Why thanks, say, how did the conversation go?" asked Marty

"Not too good, but I do hope he comes around"

"He will, in the meantime, get to know the others properly. I'll help you!"

"Oh... sure"

As Marty introduced me to his friends and I got to know them better, I started to feel like I judged them too harshly.

I was starting to question Skipper as to why he didn't like them, did he just judge them without getting to know them?

As we kept talking, there was a sudden knock at the door. Marty went to go and answer and I kept talking with the others.

"So, you two were in a way 'colateral' during their argument?" I asked

"No sweetie, we just figured this was something that Alex needed to figure out on his own" said Gloria

"Oh, but still, he's kinda like the leader of the group. He should know right and wrong" I said

"Well, we don't like to think of him as a leader, more like a friend, or a family. You could be a part of our family if you'd like" she added

But before I could answer, Alex walked in and we all welcomed him in. He was amazed by what we built as a team.

"Took you long enough" I told him with a light punch to the shoulder.

"I guess in a way you were right, I was a jerk and too prideful"

"Glad you finally came to your senses, are you thirsty?"

I handed him a coconut that had water in it but as soon as he drank he spit it out.

"What the heck is in this?!" asked Alex

"I honestly don't know. Hey Marty, what's in the water?" I asked

"It's seawater, you're not supposed to swallow" answered Marty

"Oh, I get it. Tricking the body into hydration. Very clever" I said

"Say Marty? Did you ever figure out the food situation" I asked

"Glad you asked because the food special tonight is... Seaweed!"

Alex had taken another drink but spat it out as he heard what was the food for tonight, so did the others.

"Seaweed?!" said Me and Alex in unison confused.

"Yup! Seaweed! Don't love it till you try it!"

As everyone had finished eating their seaweed, Me and Alex were hesitant to eat it, I wasn't used to eating this type of food.

Before I could take a bite, I saw Alex choking on the seaweed he'd taken a bite out of.

"Well, I guess you didn't love it?" asked Marty.

Despite the taste, Alex tried to smile and give a thumbs up.

"No, it's great. Ugh, really great. Does it get any better than this?" asked Alex

"I think I'll pass for now" I said.

"Oh, the night can get better. Check this out!"

Marty flipped a switch and the roof suddenly opened to reveal something that Kowalski had only shown me once.

"Wow, would you look at that" said Gloria

"That's what I call a view" I said

"It's like... Billions and billions of helicopters!"

"What does that mean?" I asked

"A shooting start! Make a wish, quick!" said Marty

"Oh! How about a thick, juicy steak" said Alex

"Same here!" I shouted

"You know what? I promise I'm gonna find food for the two of you, even if it kills me!" said Marty

"Thanks Marty" said Alex

"It's getting late, Marty, is there an area for us to sleep?" I asked

"Yes, I made a soft area out front for us to sleep" responded Marty.

"Nice, I'm gonna sleep now, have a good night everyone" I said.

As everyone went to sleep, I curled up into myself for body heat but at the same time, I felt lonely.

I couldn't sleep, so I went to the others to see if I could sleep with them but as I got up I saw something that I was confused but also shocked to see. Alex was licking Marty?

I immediately went to wake them up to alert them, as they woke up, they all stared in confusion.

Marty tried waking up Alex but it took him a while to snap out of it and when he finally did, he was also shocked to realize what he was doing.

"What're you doing?" asked Marty

Alex didn't respond but only licked his finger and started counting.

"27, 28, 29, 30! Thirty black and only 29 white, looks like you're a black with white afterall, dilemma solved. Goodnight!"

Everyone had a confused look on his face but they went back to sleep, but I decided to ask questions.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Crap! You startled me, and I'm fine... I think?" he answered

"I'm guessing this has to do with food?" I asked

"I think so?" he responded

"Don't worry we'll try to find something in the morning, but scooch over, I wanna sleep" I said

As Alex made room for me to sleep next to him, I felt him giving me a hug but I didn't fight it. It reminded me of how Private would try to hug me. I turned around and kissed him on the mouth and I could see him blush for a quick second.

"Goodnight Alex"

"Goodnight Madison"

"You know, I think I'd prefer if you'd call me Mady. I think you've earned it" I said

"Alright, goodnight Mady"

"Night" I responded

He kept hugging me as we dozed off to sleep, hoping that we could find some food the next day, but as I tried to sleep. I could feel a part of me coming back, a part I thought I forgot but it slowly crawled back to me.

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