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(Sorry I've been gone for so long I've been going through a stage where I'm watching different anime's and mha sorta got pushed back but I'm watching it again but im currently watch yuri on ice mha and demon slayer so I don't know how often I'll add to this story or my others)

Me and deku escaped and we finally made it to freedom equestrian which is Akemis farm and the next thing we know is akemi found us and bringing us to our foals and stall deku ran to our foal and cuddle so close to her (sorry if I changed the gender or if I changed the name thought this) I'm so glad we get to see Katzu and Izumi again (foal name) I walk up to them and protecting them only trusting. The horses and akemi if it's a work I'll freak out.

I was cuddle with my foal when a worker of akemis came in to check on us and kacchan freaked out I tried to calm him but he was to protective of us so I couldn't stop him considering I'm pregnant again and don't wanna lose this foal but eventually akemi came and calmed him down and check on us.

He also got someone out here to see how the baby's going kacchan was fine with it as long as akemi was there but it was always uncomfortable when they had to check my temperature because it went in my butt but I got sorta use to it after time.

(Sorry it's short but I'll try upload more)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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