greg's downfall

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new york city, new york
5 months later.. october 2023

cherri freeman, or cherri west, hid behind a shower curtain in a small cozy apartment on the upper east side of new york city.

during the discussion on the plan, cherri agreed that she would take her mothers last name, "west," instead of her father's last name "freeman" while attending blackmore.

freeman is the same last name she shared with amber. this decision to change everyone's last name was made so that they wouldn't be on anybody's suspect list.

cherri, who stood at 5'7, hid behind the shower in the iconic ghostface costume that haunted many for the last 30 years or so.

cherri west was a little annoyed when detective bailey sent her to go to this apartment.

at first, cherri was supposed to go and kill some calculus tutor from brooklyn that tara carpenter was learning with.

however, detective bailey found some new information.

there was a killing of a blackmore university student during the summer. the death was clearly ruled a homicide to the investigators, but nobody tied it to ghostface.

detective bailey figured out that two students killed the blackmore university student, and were currently outside killing their professor that gave them a bad grade on an assignment.

Greg Bruckner and Jason Carvey thought that they were going to be the next ghostface killers.

detective bailey knew their entire plan. he knew where the ghostface costumes were, he knew about the list of potential victims, and their own plan to kill sam and tara carpenter.

cherri was amused but angry when she found this information out. nobody was going to steal her chance to kill the carpenter sisters herself.

to avenge her sister, amber freeman.

the information that made her anger worsen was when she discovered that she was supposed to be "next" on their ghostface killing spree.

cherri west became friends with the carpenter sisters only two months ago when she moved to new york city. the girl was able to become roommates with them along with quinn "bailey." somebody "she recently just met."

the brown haired girl hated her close proximity to the sisters. she acts completely normal around them and is extremely friendly. in a way, she feels like she is betraying amber when she does nice acts for the sisters. however, cherri knew that it was apart of the plan.

her lover, ethan landry, became roommates with chad meeks-martin, a close friend of the carpenter sisters.

detective bailey told cherri that jason & greg saw how "close" cherri was to the carpenter sisters.

cherri knew jason before this day, however she didn't know that he wanted to kill her. she saw him give her looks in their film classes, looks of determination.

they both were going to kill cherri when she got off work sometime this week. she chuckled because she would get to kill them before they had a chance.

cherry smirked under the mask as she heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom inside of the apartment.

the brown colored curtain wasn't transparent so the boys couldn't see her behind the shower curtain.

the white wooden door opened as cherri held the sharp knife in her right hand, her left hand clenched into a fist.

she couldn't see anything but she could hear the sound of a towel hitting a shower rack and jeans being unzipped. clearly the person was about to take a shower.

here's where the fun begins.. cherry thought.


greg bruckner takes off his shoes and feels relief as he unbuckles his jeans off of his body.

the back to back classes had him exhausted. greg felt a little ache in his ankles due to the amount of walking he did today.

however, he knew that he had to stay awake to hear about his partner's new kill. he smirked as he thought about the movie being put into action.

the tall and skinny man threw his old clothes in the laundry basket and made sure that his towel was placed on the edge of the sink for when he was finished his shower.

greg takes his right hand and moves the shower curtain to his left, only to be greeting with a slash in the upper sternum.

he flys back into the bathroom door as he looks up at the figure in the ghostface costume. the ghostface tilted their head as they looked down at their victim.

"jason.. look dude this isn't apart the pla-"

"fuck you and your plan!"
the ghostface with the recognizable voice moderator speaks.

greg didn't have the chance to flinch before the ghostface stabbed them directly in the heart. this caused the man to start choking on his blood.

ghostface didnt take a full second to pull the knife out of his heart before they slashed greg's throat.

well this was.. interesting.
cherri thinks to herself as she looks down at her decapitated victim.

the girl felt sweat on her forehead so she took off her mask and she walked to the kitchen area of the apartment.

in cherri's mind, the girl had no idea on if she should leave greg for jason to discover, or if she should use his body to taunt him.

cherri placed her hands on the counter as she looked down at the sink. she could feel some parts of her costume being dump with blood. however that didn't matter since she was exhausted due to the amount of

stabbing, cutting, decapitating, and other horrors that didn't know that she was really capable of until tonight.

cherri looks up to her right to see a small white colored fridge with photos and mini posters plastered on it.

the brown haired girl looked at it with widened eyes and a psychotic smile, knowing exactly how her next kill was going to happen.


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